Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu Books ##TOP##

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What are Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu Books and Why You Should Read Them

If you are interested in Urdu literature, especially in the genre of Islamic theology and spirituality, you may have come across the term Sirat E Mustaqeem. This phrase literally means “the straight path” and refers to the way of life that is pleasing to Allah and leads to paradise. But what are Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books and why are they important?

In this article, we will explore the origin, meaning and significance of Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books, as well as some of the most famous and influential examples of this genre. We will also give you some tips on how to read and understand these books, and how they can enrich your knowledge and faith.

The Origin of Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu Books

The concept of Sirat E Mustaqeem is derived from the Quran, where it is mentioned several times as the path that Allah guides his servants to. For example, in Surah Al-Fatiha, the first chapter of the Quran, Muslims recite: “Guide us to the straight path (Sirat al-Mustaqeem)”.

However, the term Sirat E Mustaqeem also became associated with a specific book written by a prominent scholar and reformer of Islam in the 18th century. His name was Shah Ismail Shaheed, and he was a descendant of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, a famous Sufi leader and revivalist of Islam in India.

Shah Ismail Shaheed wrote a book called Sirat-e-Mustaqeem, which was a commentary on another book by his grandfather, Shah Waliullah Dehlawi, called Hujjatullah al-Baligha. The latter book was a comprehensive exposition of Islamic doctrine and law, based on the Quran and Sunnah (the teachings and practices of Prophet Muhammad).

Shah Ismail Shaheed’s book was a simplified and concise version of his grandfather’s book, aimed at educating the common Muslims about the basics of their faith and refuting the deviations and innovations that had crept into Islam over time. He also emphasized the importance of following the example of Prophet Muhammad and his companions, and avoiding sectarianism and extremism.

Shah Ismail Shaheed’s book was written in Persian, which was the language of scholarship and literature in India at that time. However, it was later translated into Urdu by his followers, who also wrote many other books on similar topics in Urdu. These books became known as Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books, and they played a major role in shaping the Deobandi movement, a reformist school of thought within Sunni Islam that originated in India.

The Meaning and Significance of Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu Books

Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books are not just books about Islamic theology and law. They are also books about Islamic spirituality and ethics. They teach Muslims how to purify their hearts from sins and diseases, how to worship Allah with sincerity and devotion, how to follow the Sunnah with love and respect, how to deal with trials and tribulations with patience and gratitude, how to interact with others with justice and kindness, and how to strive for the cause of Allah with wisdom and courage.

Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books are also books about Islamic history and culture. They narrate the stories of Prophet Muhammad and his companions, as well as other righteous Muslims who followed them in later generations. They also describe the challenges and achievements of Muslims in different regions and eras, such as India, Central Asia, Persia, Turkey, Arabia, Africa and Europe. They also highlight the contributions of Muslims to various fields of knowledge and civilization, such as science, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, literature, art and architecture.

Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books are also books about Islamic identity and mission. They remind Muslims of their noble origins and glorious past, as well as their present responsibilities and future hopes. They inspire Muslims to be proud of their faith and culture, but also humble and tolerant towards others. They motivate Muslims to be active and productive members of society, but also loyal and obedient servants of Allah. They encourage Muslims to be united and cooperative with each other, but also independent and courageous against their enemies.

How to Read and Understand Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu Books

Reading and understanding Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books can be a rewarding and enlightening experience for anyone who wants to learn more about Islam and Urdu literature. However, it can also be challenging and confusing for some readers, especially if they are not familiar with the language, style and context of these books. Here are some tips on how to read and understand Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books:

  • Choose a reliable translation or edition. If you are not fluent in Urdu, you may want to read a translation of Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books in your preferred language. However, not all translations are accurate and faithful to the original text. You may want to check the credentials and reputation of the translator, as well as the reviews and feedback of other readers. You may also want to compare different translations and editions to see which one suits your needs and preferences.
  • Use a dictionary or a glossary. Even if you are fluent in Urdu, you may encounter some words or terms that are unfamiliar or archaic in Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books. You may want to use a dictionary or a glossary to look up the meanings and explanations of these words or terms. You may also want to use a Rekhta dictionary, which is a trilingual treasure of Urdu words that provides definitions and examples in Urdu, Hindi and English.
  • Consult a commentary or a guide. Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books are rich and complex in their content and style. They contain many references and quotations from the Quran, the Hadith, the classical Islamic literature, the Sufi poetry, the historical accounts and the contemporary debates. You may want to consult a commentary or a guide that explains and analyzes these references and quotations, as well as the arguments and opinions of the author and his opponents. You may also want to consult a Rekhta ebook, which is an online platform that provides access to thousands of Urdu books on various topics.
  • Read with an open mind and a critical eye. Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books are not meant to be read passively or blindly. They are meant to be read actively and critically. You may want to read with an open mind and a critical eye, meaning that you should be willing to learn from the author’s insights and wisdom, but also question his assumptions and biases. You should also be aware of your own preconceptions and prejudices, and how they may affect your understanding and appreciation of the books.
  • Read with a purpose and a goal. Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books are not meant to be read for entertainment or curiosity. They are meant to be read for education and transformation. You may want to read with a purpose and a goal, meaning that you should have a clear idea of what you want to learn from the books, and how you want to apply what you learn in your life. You should also have a plan of how you will read the books, such as when, where, how long and how often you will read them.

By following these tips, you can read and understand Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books better, and benefit from their knowledge and guidance.

Some Examples of Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu Books

There are many Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books that have been written by different authors and scholars over the centuries. Some of them are original works, while others are translations or adaptations of Persian or Arabic books. Some of them are widely available and popular, while others are rare and obscure. Here are some examples of Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books that you may want to read and explore:

  • Sirat-e-Mustaqeem by Shah Ismail Shaheed. This is the original book that started the genre of Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books. It is a commentary on Hujjatullah al-Baligha by Shah Waliullah Dehlawi, which is a comprehensive exposition of Islamic doctrine and law. Shah Ismail Shaheed simplifies and summarizes his grandfather’s book, and also adds his own views and arguments on various issues. He also refutes the deviations and innovations that had crept into Islam, such as polytheism, grave-worship, Sufism, Shiism and rationalism. He emphasizes the importance of following the Quran and Sunnah, and the example of Prophet Muhammad and his companions. He also discusses the political and social situation of Muslims in India, and urges them to reform themselves and resist the British colonialism. You can read this book online on Rekhta.
  • Sirat-e-Mustaqeem by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. This is a modern book that revisits the concept of Sirat E Mustaqeem in the light of contemporary challenges and opportunities for Muslims. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is a renowned scholar and peace activist who advocates for a peaceful and tolerant interpretation of Islam. He argues that Sirat E Mustaqeem is not a rigid or fixed path, but a dynamic and flexible one that adapts to changing times and circumstances. He also argues that Sirat E Mustaqeem is not a sectarian or exclusive path, but a universal and inclusive one that respects diversity and pluralism. He also argues that Sirat E Mustaqeem is not a passive or fatalistic path, but an active and optimistic one that seeks positive change and progress. He also discusses various topics such as jihad, democracy, human rights, interfaith dialogue, science and spirituality. You can read this book online on Rekhta.
  • Urdu Books of Shah Ismail Shaheed. Besides Sirat-e-Mustaqeem, Shah Ismail Shaheed also wrote many other books on Islamic theology, law, history and spirituality in Persian and Urdu. Some of his famous books are Taqviyatul Iman, which is a book on Islamic creed and monotheism; Tarikh-e-Mujahidin, which is a book on the history of Muslim warriors and martyrs; Aadab Ziyarat-e-Quboor, which is a book on the etiquette of visiting graves; Abqat, which is a book on the biography of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi; Ma Tazkeer-ul-Ikhwan Wa Naseehat-ul-Muslimeen, which is a book on the advice and admonition for Muslims; Abqaat Urdu, which is an Urdu translation of Abqat by his son Shah Abdul Ghani. You can read these books online on Rekhta.

These are just some examples of Sirat E Mustaqeem Urdu books that you may find interesting and useful. There are many more books that you can discover and learn from, as long as you have the curiosity and passion for reading.[1].md[1]%20[2][3].md


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