SCC Caption Reader Crack Download [2022-Latest]
Have an SCC caption file that you need to translate into human-readable text transcripts? Need to find where that error is in your SCC captions? This tool is exactly what you need. Just select your SCC file and it will save it as a new text transcript with timecode.
The timecode can either stay the same as the SCC file (very useful for troubleshooting) or it can remove the buffer time that SCC files build in, making the timecode closer to the actual time the captions are displayed.
You can also opt to output as paragraph text without timecode. By providing text transcripts of your movies on your Web site, you will not only be providing accessibility, but you will also improve your search engine optimization by providing searchable content. Get SCC Caption Reader and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!

SCC Caption Reader
– Generate SCC captions with timecode offset
– Capture SCC captions without timecode
– Output captions as text, with timecode, or with no timecode at all
– SCC Naming convention will be saved automatically
– Output Captions In Many Different Languages
– Output captions using many different languages
What you get:
– Timecode offset value for your captions
– Output captions in many different languages
– The captions produced by the tool will be saved with the SCC caption naming convention you selected
– SCC captions can be saved in.txt,.doc,.rtf,.txt or.cdr
– Options for offset value applied to the captions
– Option for output as paragraph text without timecode
– Option for output as text without timecode
– Option to automatically save captions
– Option to open captions in a word processor
– Option to open the captions in a viewer
– Option to display current time in your captions
– Option to display current time in the captions in a viewer
– Option to filter by Closed Caption or Pre-recorded File
– Option to filter by whether the timecode should be in minutes or seconds (for example, setting the option to 0 would mean that all SCC captions will be displayed with timecode in minutes)
– Option to select whether you want seconds or minutes in your captions
– Option to select the duration format that your captions should be displayed in
– Option to select how the caption timecode should be displayed in the captions
– Option to select whether your captions should be inclusive or exclusive
– Option to have the captions separated by paragraphs
– Option to have the captions separated by paragraph breaks
– Option to have the captions separated by carriage returns
– Option to display the timecode offset value in the captions
– Option to display the offset in text (for example: 00:00:25)
– Option to display the timecode offset in your text captions in the view file output
– Option to display the offset value in text as a decimal number
– Option to select the Naming Convention for the captions
– Option to create a view file in either.txt or.cdr format
– Option to open captions in your word processor or viewer
– Option to save captions as a Paragraph Text File
– Option to save captions as a Text File
SCC Caption Reader Free Download
SCC Caption Reader Cracked 2022 Latest Version is a program that will download the SCC information from a subtitle or SCC file and it will
Get SCC Caption Reader and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!
SCC Caption Reader Description:
SCC Caption Reader is a program that will download the SCC information from a subtitle or SCC file and it will automatically change it into an accurate text transcript.
With SCC Caption Reader you can quickly:
-Check whether SCC information is correct
-Find SCC errors in your SCC file
-Add new SCCs and rearrange existing SCCs
-Upload generated text transcripts to a Web site to make your SCCs available online.
SCC Caption Reader Features:
-Downloads SCC information from text, vobsub and SCC files
-Transcribes captions from text (can open csv, vobsub and sub files)
-Turns the text into paragraph text
-Prints text without timecode (great for using on a Web site)
-Prints text with timecode (very useful for troubleshooting)
-Takes an SCC file and saves it as a new text transcript
-Allows you to specify the character width in characters
-Allows you to specify the character length in seconds
-Reads the new SCC file and saves the file with the new timecode
-Can transfer your new generated SCC file to another text file
-Compress and compress font files (targets.fnt,.fon,.otf)
-Compress and compress font files (targets.fnt,.fon,.otf)
-Views quality indicators for font files
-Views media statistics for font files
SCC Caption Reader in action:
SCC Caption Reader is able to read SCC information from a text file, vobsub file and a SCC file.
Here you will see how to download SCC information from a sub file:
SCC Caption Reader in action:
Here you will see how to download SCC information from a text file:
Here you will see how to download SCC information from a vobsub file:
Here you will see how to download SCC information from a SCC
SCC Caption Reader Crack + With Registration Code [Win/Mac]
* For use with the SCC captions you can hear in your DATC/SCC files
* Import SCC and DATC via Drag & Drop
* Select timecode and output “New Timecode” or “No timecode”
* Output text-only transcripts
* Paragraph mode (no timecode) Output as (printable) text
* Select “File Format”, “Automatic” or “Custom” to customize output
* Add and Remove SCC files (see “Troubleshooting”)
* Save your SCC files as text transcripts with timecode using the basic settings
* Share your SCC files as text transcripts without timecode as well
* Supports most of the current SCC files (about 80% of the usable SCC titles)
* Last updates 08/31/20
* Homepage at:
* Try before you buy! You can use the SCC files that you get from this tool for free for 30-days after download.
SCC Caption Reader License Agreement:
I, the owner of this product, have carefully developed a program entitled “SCC Caption Reader” (for short, “Reader”). I hereby license Reader to you on the conditions set forth below. You can use this Reader for free for 30-days after downloading it, provided that you make all use of it during this period. If you choose not to, all rights to Reader are automatically revoked. (1) Terms and Conditions.
(1)All content rights – I own all content in this Reader and everything in the SCC used in this product. This includes all stories and their descriptions. You may not use this content in any way that adversely affects this content.
(2)PDF of the SCC script or captions is not included with this product. You can download it from my Web page at without any charge.
(3)You can download the Reader for free for 30-days from my Web page at without any charge.
Note: Please email me at if you have any questions about how this Reader works or its limitations.
This is a standalone application that helps you output text-only transcript of your SCC files
What’s New in the?
Designed for anyone who needs to translate and then maintain the captions for their SCC files, SCC Caption Reader is an extremely fast and easy-to-use tool that allows you to do just that. Simply right-click on your SCC file and select the “Save as Transcription” option to create a text transcript without timecode. There’s no need to install anything and it works right from your Web browser.
SCC Caption Reader Features:
* Translate SCC files into human-readable text transcript (no timecode)
* Supports images, hyperlinks, color, alignment, font, font size and formatting, and bold
* No installation needed
* Created with an update schedule
* Saves your customized settings
* Drag-and-drop functionality to transfer files
* Supports many languages (Swedish, German, French, Spanish, and Italian are on the way)
* Supports Markdown formatting of your transcript
* Works with any version of SCC
* Optionally outputs a text transcript without timecode
SCM Shop – Commercial & Freeware
SCMShop – Universal Audio player for an all-in-one strategy
SCMShop is an audio player that plays SCC files, AC3, MPEG-1 and MP3 format (as well as Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and WAV format) and also allows you to manage multiple playlists.
There are many features to be found in SCMShop such as:* Playlists* Separate volume control* Multi-device support* Drag-and-drop to transfer files* A lot more
SCMShop is perfect for both audio books/movies and music. It includes the latest high-quality audio codecs and supports DRM protection. Your files will be played in the highest quality setting, supported by many subtitles.
SCMShop is a powerful and fully-featured audio player that can be used as a standalone player or integrated with your SCM client in order to view your media in a new way.
SCMShop is universal and
System Requirements For SCC Caption Reader:
Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later, 64-bit Intel or Power PC processor with Intel MMX support
1.0 GB RAM
DirectX 9.0c-compatibile
2.4GB HD space
VRAM-based acceleration requires DirectX version 9.0c or higher
For optimal performance, a high performance video card is required
All DX9 features are supported unless otherwise stated
The game will run on every computer with at least 1GB of