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10 Rules for Dating Success

1. Take care of your physical health.

Sure, you can have a relationship without a physical connection, but you’ll miss out on all the little things that do make relationships—and sex—great. So don’t put your health at risk by skipping health screenings. Get a full physical every year, and take it from your doctor so you know the results for when you’re ready to get intimate. (Even if you don’t think you are, you may want to be tested anyway, just in case. It’s better to be safe than sorry.)

2. Know your boundaries.

Just because a person seems like a good person doesn’t mean she’s right for you. Everyone is different. And you shouldn’t date anyone with whom you don’t feel comfortable, whether she is a bad person, a bad person with a crazy ex, or a crazy person in general. Clear your conscious before letting someone into your life; it’s better to be safe than sorry.

3. Create a good first impression.

You don’t have to be perfect to be a good person; you just have to be good. But you should be good enough that the first person that walks through your door wants to come back. If you’re a picky person, you know what I’m talking about. It’s hard to see someone come and go in your life—and then you get so used to that person that you forget the person you thought you were dating in the first place. It’s a slippery slope to develop high expectations. It’s better to be happy than disappointed.

4. Be proactive.

I call dating “the lottery” because it’s true—but you don’t have to play the lotto to find the one. Many people stay in relationships because they feel that they can’t do better, and they honestly feel that they can’t live without this person. If you can’t figure out if a person is right for you, but you still want to live in the same town as this person, at least look for a nice job; it will make your life easier.

5. Put yourself out there.

And by put yourself out there, I don’t mean “shy.” I mean you should be up for everything. If a date wants to meet up for ice cream at 4 a.m., you should say yes. If you want to get breakfast with a restaurant that you
Why you need to be prepared in a nutshell:

-Applying for a job you’re not certain you want.

-Working on your best impression as you meet new people.

-Deceiving someone for the pleasure of learning more about them.

Which dating apps (exclusively) are you using? I found three new apps that are worth checking out.

Photo: Getty

1. Parlance

Parlance is a dating app that was specifically designed to make the act of meeting new people less daunting. In short, the app simply is a series of pop-up messages that offer a few people, on average, a prompt to “interact with.” A prompt is a question that you can take the time to reply to, either by telling the person something specific about yourself (e.g., “Tell me something about yourself”) or choosing from one of the preset options (e.g., “What do you like about this place?” or “What’s your favorite kind of pie?”). You can read more about it here.

How to use Parlance:

-Download the app to your phone

-Follow three strangers for free, or start with other apps, like Bumble or Tinder

-Open an app in which you’re interested, and pick up the opportunity when you see it

-Send a prompt if you want to, but don’t feel obligated to

-Follow other prompts if you want to. If you’re concerned about meeting new people, it’s a great way to meet them. Photo: Parlance

2. BookMeeting

BookMeeting is a new site that matches up meeting attendees for full-length, paid meetings. For now, it’s only available to attendees in the US, but it’s worth checking out if you’re tired of hooking up by going to locales where that’s an issue.

How to use BookMeeting:

-Click on the BookMeeting link and answer a few questions

-Choose a time and location that works for you.

-If you want to pay for your time, send a request for more information.

-For free (as in beer) attendees, complete the online sign up for free on each other’s profile.

-Confirm your meeting and all communication will be between the two of you. Photo: BookMeeting

3. Add a Girl


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