Travel Time Map [Mac/Win]







Travel Time Map Crack Activator Free X64 [Updated] 2022

■ Approximately how long it takes to travel a certain distance on land: The function is aimed at individuals looking for a simple gauge of how much time it will take to travel a certain distance. It measures the travel time for any road type in miles, meters and kilometers. The Travel Time Map operation is available in 18 countries and regions.
■ Maximum/Minimum travel time to a particular point: Using the function, users can determine which points on the map are the farthest away and are most easily accessible, as well as which are located the closest. The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ Isochrone polygons of maximum travel time: Isochrone polygons are spatial objects that depict the point on which an object can reach another point while being at the same distance away. The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ How long it will take to travel to and from a specific point: The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ Travel time (in minutes) map of a certain route: This operation calculates the travel time for a selected journey, as well as the routes available for that travel. The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ How long it takes to travel to and from a specific point: The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ Maximum travel time for a given distance: Using the function, you can determine which points on a map are the farthest away, as well as which are located the closest. The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ Distance to/from a specific point: Travel Time Map is able to calculate the distance between a starting point and another point, or it will show the travel time to a specific destination. The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ How long it takes to travel to and from a specific point: The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ Distance to/from a specific point: The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ How long it takes to travel to and from a specific point: The Travel Time Map operation is available in 25 countries and regions.
■ Travel time for a route (by bus, train, cab, etc.): The function is capable of calculating the travel time for a selected journey, as well as the routes available for that travel. The Travel Time Map operation is

Travel Time Map Crack With Keygen


Road Distance from a given starting point takes x minutes or less.


Road Distance from a given starting point takes more than x minutes, but less than x hours.


Road Distance from a given starting point takes more than x hours, but less than x days.


Road Distance from a given starting point takes more than x days.

** Customize

Road Distance from a given starting point takes more than x days, but less than x months.

*** Customize

Road Distance from a given starting point takes more than x months, but less than x years.

**** Customize

Road Distance from a given starting point takes more than x years.

** None

No data available

Reviews about Travel Time Map Crack Free Download

Travel Time Map is a relatively simple application that enables you to generate isolines to indicate the maximum distance that can be traveled in a specified period, as well as view which points on a map are placed at the same distance away from a particular point when traveling by road.
The program relies on the Iso4App API and serves as a demo for the service’s capabilities.
Test the Iso4App API from your desktop
First and foremost, you should know that Travel Time Map requires a valid API key before any data can be processed. This key can be requested on the developer’s website, and it comes with several usage limitations.
Each operation requires a certain number of credits, and you can check how many you have left by logging into your newly created account. Of course, you can upgrade your API key to gain more credits.
Generate isodistance and isochrone polygons
Travel Time Map gives you an idea of how much distance can be covered in a specified amount of time from a user-defined starting point. You can provide the travel time, method of transportation and speed limit, as well have the application reduce queue times and ignore tolls.
Moreover, the program is capable of depicting areas that are situated an equal distance away from a given point. This function is very useful in urban environments, as it shows which areas are easily reachable by road.
Powerful service that supports numerous countries and map tiles
While the Iso4App API does not cover the entire globe, areas such as Europe, North America, Central America, China and Australia-Oceania have already been implemented.

Travel Time Map With Keygen For PC (2022)

Maximum Travel Time Calculator

Are you tired of standing in long lines and wasting time waiting in traffic?

Introducing our latest application, Travel Time Map, which helps calculate maximum travel times between two points.

Road Travel Time Map

Our Travel Time Calculator allows you to quickly determine the maximum travel time between two points. Simply enter two locations, choose the transportation method (bus, train, car, etc.), speed limit and the travel time you want to calculate from the travel time table, and let the application calculate the travel time and show you the results in the map view.

When you’re ready, simply save the maximum travel time and store it in the app. You can also export the travel time to a CSV file for further analysis on Excel.

Please keep in mind that Travel Time Map does not take tolls into account, it only calculates the time traveling between two points.


In case Travel Time Map doesn’t do what you expect or if you’re not satisfied with the app, we will refund 100% of the purchase price and we will make the app free.

Please note, our refund policy is applicable only for the time being, after which we might use it to reward our reviewers for their invaluable feedback.

The program also needs a valid API key, which you can request on the Iso4App website.

Basic support is included for any downloads made in the past month but not afterwards.


Iso4App provides 24/7 free support.

Please visit our Help Center for in-depth user’s guides on using the Travel Time Map application.

i have same problem, its asking for key, but it says – please check that you have pro account or not.i have pro account.its asking about key.I have searched google its asking for API Key and when i click on continue its asking for pro account.if i dont have pro account.when i enter key its asking for pro account.

Hmm, can you double check if your API key has enough credits for the operation?

Privacy: Iso4App will keep the address and your licence key private and will not reveal any of your information without your permission. Please refer to our privacy policy for more details.Warning: Spoilers ahead for the entire series. If you haven’t watched every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and aren�

What’s New In?

Full offline map tiles support for the following countries:



America (Central)

America (South)



Around the World

This app provides a great geographical overview to give you a rough idea of how far you can travel in a given period of time.

Travel Time Map Features:

Full offline map tiles support for the following countries:



America (Central)

America (South)



Around the World

Free to use

Fully offline

Very light weight

Supports map tiles

Performance Tests

Speed tests were made using the Kumu Micro application that generates random paths across the entire world. The results are then analyzed and provide performance statistics.
3.8 MB



Travel Time Map is a relatively simple application that enables you to generate isolines to indicate the maximum distance that can be traveled in a specified period, as well as view which points on a map are placed at the same distance away from a particular point when traveling by road.
The program relies on the Iso4App API and serves as a demo for the service’s capabilities.
Test the Iso4App API from your desktop
First and foremost, you should know that Travel Time Map requires a valid API key before any data can be processed. This key can be requested on the developer’s website, and it comes with several usage limitations.
Each operation requires a certain number of credits, and you can check how many you have left by logging into your newly created account. Of course, you can upgrade your API key to gain more credits.
Generate isodistance and isochrone polygons
Travel Time Map gives you an idea of how much distance can be covered in a specified amount of time from a user-defined starting point. You can provide the travel time, method of transportation and speed limit, as well have the application reduce queue times and ignore tolls.
Moreover, the program is capable of depicting areas that are situated an equal distance away from a given point. This function is very useful in urban environments, as it shows which areas are easily reachable by road.
Powerful service that supports numerous countries and map tiles
While the Iso4App API does not cover the entire globe, areas

System Requirements:

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