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These files are in the correct format to fit into Steam’s install.exe.
All files are in place. This plugin is very good. Nice one.
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.  .
Due to the fact that the release of the latest version of TrainController Gold has been postponed, this plugin will be removed in the following days. This is because I did not have the time to make all the necessary changes to this plugin in time.
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The plugin folder looks just fine, but if you accidentally deleted the plugin folder it might have made the changes to the file system incomplete. In that case try to simply rename the plugin folder. That should fix the issue.

Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance studies of enzyme-substrate complexes.
Solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique for studying enzymatic reactions in situ with direct access to the dynamics of the reaction. Micro-crystalline proteins and polypeptide samples and enzyme-inhibitor complexes can be studied by SSNMR directly in the solid state, in solution in H2O, or in the various crystalline environments (powder, thin films, thin slices) that are accessible to common SSNMR spectroscopy. Examples of enzyme-inhibitor complexes studied by solid-state NMR are reported, with a special emphasis on the polypeptide chain dynamics in the binding domain. SSNMR can characterize the conformation and dynamics of the complex in the solid state. Moreover, it can be used to probe weak interactions and highly transient states of the protein. The dynamics of the substrate in the active site, the early stages of the reaction, and the role of the active site environment may be probed by SSNMR. The research on enzyme dynamics described in this article may help to establish a link between protein structure and function, and how dynamics changes with active site binding. UNPUBLISHED

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