Sys Manage Copyright2 [EXCLUSIVE] Crack Cocaine

Sys Manage Copyright2 [EXCLUSIVE] Crack Cocaine


Sys Manage Copyright2 Crack Cocaine

cocaine affects the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain, all of which play a role in the control of mood and behavior. cocaine use is associated with the development of certain psychiatric disorders, such as depression, mania, and psychosis. in the short term, cocaine use can induce euphoria, increased sexual desire, attention and cognitive abilities, and paranoia. over time, long term use may lead to anhedonia, increased anxiety, and cognitive impairments. repeated use of cocaine has been shown to have a negative effect on memory and cognition.

in addiction, the dopamine signal is reinforced and the circuitry becomes more sensitive to dopamine, ultimately contributing to the formation of a habit and craving for the drug. to gain further insight into the physiological basis of addiction and relapse, researchers have used positron emission tomography (pet) scanning to study the brains of cocaine addicts who are abstinent and those who are addicted to cocaine. imaging studies show a loss of gray matter volume in the striatum (a portion of the basal ganglia), associated with dopamine depletion and reduced resting metabolism. [16] in addition, cocaine-dependent subjects have reduced metabolism in the orbitofrontal cortex (an area of the brain associated with reward, motivation, and self-control) and increased metabolism in the amygdala, a part of the brain associated with fear and stress. [17]

cocaine has also been found to have a direct neurochemical effect on the brain. it increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain by interfering with the reuptake of dopamine. this results in the release of more dopamine into the synapse, leading to euphoria, increased sexual desire, and altered perceptions. [18] [19] cocaine use may lead to a variety of physiological changes. some of these, such as vasoconstriction and tachycardia, are in direct opposition to the physiological effects of opiates and alcohol. some changes have nothing to do with the drug’s effects on the central nervous system. for example, the use of cocaine increases the level of homocysteine, a blood metabolite that may cause increased risk of cardiovascular events. [20]

how long withdrawal from crack cocaine takes varies for each user and is based on a number of different factors. these include the users body chemistry, tolerance and the severity and duration of the addiction. withdrawal can begin anywhere from an 30 minutes to 72 hours after the last crack cocaine dose. physical symptoms of crack withdrawal typically last anywhere from 1 to 3 months, although there is no exact timeframe for how long symptoms will last. any withdrawal symptoms that last more than 3 weeks are considered paws. the psychological symptoms of crack cocaine withdrawal, including intense craving, drug dreams, and obsessive thoughts to use often last much longer. there have been reports of psychological withdrawal symptoms lasting for 6 months or more.
the percentage of drug overdose deaths involving prescription painkillers increased from 27% in 1999 to 40% in 2001. in 2001, deaths involving non-medical use of prescription painkillers (prescription opioid analgesics) increased from 22% to 29%. deaths involving illicit heroin and other opioids increased from 3% to 5%, while deaths involving cocaine, marijuana, inhalants, hallucinogens, and other drugs decreased from 19% to 14%. in 2001, cocaine was involved in 3% of drug overdose deaths. marijuana was involved in 2% of overdose deaths, and other drugs were involved in 2% of overdose deaths. [11] more than 2 million people used prescription opioids (mainly oxycodone, codeine, hydrocodone, and morphine) for nonmedical purposes in 2001. in 2001, there were over 66,000 prescription opioid overdose deaths, and more than a quarter of these deaths involved oxycodone. overdose deaths involving opioid analgesics (opioids used for pain relief) increased from 21% in 1999 to 27% in 2001. deaths involving illicit heroin and other opioids increased from 5% to 6%, while deaths involving cocaine, marijuana, inhalants, hallucinogens, and other drugs decreased from 13% to 9%. [11] 5ec8ef588b

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