RMClient Free PC/Windows [Latest]

RMClient is a reliable software dedicated to tracking time and recording the work hours in the Redmine project management system. The application allows you to easily connect to the Redmine server, while keeping a tab of the time you stay connected. It is designed to help you navigate the list of activities, events or scheduled tasks and work in an effective way.
The software ensures a secure connection to the server, by prompting you to enter the name of the Redmine server and your API access key. This is a private authentication code that you can acquire from your Redmine account. It also ensures that only authorised users access the specified Redmine project.
RMClient features a clear-cut interface, that grants you quick access to task tracing board, project description and priorities list. You need to only double-click on a task in order to activate the timer and record your work hours. The software can not only measure the time you spend working, but to also store the activity logs. You may edit a specific task’s status, as well as assign it to another user.
RMClient also features a powerful searching engine that supports filters and it can notify you about task updates, statuses changing or new tasks arising. The notes pop up on your screen, as they arrive, so there is no chance you can miss an important one. You can filter tasks by the project, status, priority or version.
It is a useful and convenient tool, its purpose being to help you increase your productivity and work in a more effective way. The application works with several types of projects and is compatible with several versions of Redmine servers.
RMClient is simple to use, reliable and offers you a versatile tool for Redmine project management. The software allows you to view a list of all the tasks assigned to you, that you can easily edit, change their status or assign to other users. But more importantly, it can help you track the time you spend working on each task or project in the Redmine server.







RMClient Crack Free [Win/Mac] (Latest)

1) Edit, comment, assign tasks
2) Track time
3) Create own tasks
4) See all tasks from any project
5) Search all tasks
6) Change of task priority
7) Invite new users to track time
8) Change of task status
9) Disconnect from Redmine project
10) Notification when new task comes or task changes
11) Make notifition of tasks completion
12) Make notification when there is new task change
13) Back issues of task
14) For task notes use
15) Enable time tracking
16) Disable time tracking
17) Hide task in view
18) Hide task from project view
19) Mark task as completed
20) Mark task as rejected
21) Mark task as accepted
22) Edit task notes
23) Add order for task
24) Change order
25) Copy task
26) Remove task
27) Delete task
28) Get
29) Add order to task
30) Reject task
31) Accept task
32) Reorder task
33) Delete task line
34) Edit task comments
35) Start time tracking
36) Stop time tracking
37) Time format
38) Project changed
39) Project changed
40) Unassign task
41) New task
42) New task created in this project
43) New task created in this project
44) New task created in this project
45) Click to create new task
46) Start time tracking to task
47) Stop time tracking to task
48) Change task status to task
49) Remove task status from task
50) Add task status to task
51) Delete task status from task
52) Change task priority to task
53) Change task priority to task
54) Show user list of task
55) Hide user list of task
56) Change task order to task
57) Change task order to task
58) Delete task order of task
59) Show context menu of task
60) Hide context menu of task
61) Show statistics of task
62) Hide statistics of task
63) Reassign task to user
64) Reject task from user
65) Add user to task
66) Remove user from task
67) Track time for a tasks
68) Stop time tracking to task
69) Cancel time tracking to task
70) Change task due date
71) Add due date for task

RMClient Crack + With License Key

– Connected to the Redmine server
– Automatically generates API access key
– Saves you the time spent on writing your API access key
– Easy to use
– Clear-cut interface
– Supports several types of projects
– Supports several versions of Redmine servers
– Logs activity to Activity Logs
– Allows you to assign the tasks to other users
– Supports filters
– Lists all the assigned tasks to you
– Supports assigning tasks to other users
– Allows you to edit tasks’ statuses
– Allows you to add notes to a task
– Automatically updates the status and priority of a task when it is changed
– Allows you to view all the tasks assigned to you
– Supports many other actions
– Easy to install and use
– Supports Ruby on Rails version 3.0 and up
– Compatible with Redmine versions 3.0 and up
– Measures the time you spend working on each project
– Allows you to instantly view a list of your tasks
– Automatically stores the activity logs of your activity on a separate file
– Allows you to save your own logs
– Allows you to view the logs of others
– Allows you to increase your productivity
– Allows you to save the time spent on each activity
– Allows you to increase your working efficiency
– Allows you to save your time spent

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– Git blame show
– Git stash
– Git stash show
– Git stash pop
– Git stash list
– Git interactive rebase
– Git local rebase
– Git remote rebase
– Git pull request merge
– Git rebase
– Git gc
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– Git gc –auto –aggressive
– Git gc –aggressive
– Git

RMClient Crack + Free Download [Win/Mac] 2022

RMClient is a reliable software dedicated to tracking time and recording the work hours in the Redmine project management system. The application allows you to easily connect to the Redmine server, while keeping a tab of the time you stay connected. It is designed to help you navigate the list of activities, events or scheduled tasks and work in an effective way.
The software ensures a secure connection to the server, by prompting you to enter the name of the Redmine server and your API access key. This is a private authentication code that you can acquire from your Redmine account. It also ensures that only authorised users access the specified Redmine project.
RMClient features a clear-cut interface, that grants you quick access to task tracing board, project description and priorities list. You need to only double-click on a task in order to activate the timer and record your work hours. The software can not only measure the time you spend working, but to also store the activity logs. You may edit a specific task’s status, as well as assign it to another user.
RMClient also features a powerful searching engine that supports filters and it can notify you about task updates, statuses changing or new tasks arising. The notes pop up on your screen, as they arrive, so there is no chance you can miss an important one. You can filter tasks by the project, status, priority or version.
It is a useful and convenient tool, its purpose being to help you increase your productivity and work in a more effective way. The application works with several types of projects and is compatible with several versions of Redmine servers.
RMClient Description:

RMClient is a reliable software dedicated to tracking time and recording the work hours in the Redmine project management system. The application allows you to easily connect to the Redmine server, while keeping a tab of the time you stay connected. It is designed to help you navigate the list of activities, events or scheduled tasks and work in an effective way.
The software ensures a secure connection to the server, by prompting you to enter the name of the Redmine server and your API access key. This is a private authentication code that you can acquire from your Redmine account. It also ensures that only authorised users access the specified Redmine project.
RMClient features a clear-cut interface, that grants you quick access to task tracing board, project description and priorities list. You need to only double-click on a task in order to activate the timer and record your work

What’s New in the RMClient?

Redmine Client is a easy-to-use time recorder for the Redmine project management tool. It requires no installation, and works with any Redmine projects.
Create task with the highest priority of the project and assign it to an individual or a team of users.
Track your work in the Redmine project in a professional way.
View detailed reports and set trackers.
Manage task descriptions and comments.
Create task with the highest priority of the project and assign it to an individual or a team of users.
Track your work in the Redmine project in a professional way.
View detailed reports and set trackers.
Manage task descriptions and comments.
Review project priorities, with lists sorted by priority.
Examine the current status of your tasks, and add them to your Calendar.
Toggle the expanded status of the selected tasks.
Set task priority from 1 to 9.
Set the maximum number of hours you are allowed to work on the task.
Toggle tasks in the on-going work list.
Select the date that you are working on the task.
Create tasks in the list of your events.
Start new work on the computer you were using when you logged in.
Switch computer and switch to your active project.
Set the date at which you are working on the task.
Allow other users to access the project list.
Manage all your accounts and your access keys.
Select accounts and access keys to unlock and then you can login.
If you have forgotten your password, you can create a new account and enable access.
Back up your data to a backup file.
Change your password.
Click the ‘Show log’ tab to view activity logs.
Copy the URL of this page for use in other programs.
The software supports Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS and its versions.
The application is light in size and extremely fast, and it takes only a few seconds to launch.
-.Net Framework 4.0
– IE 9 or higher
– SSL/TLS support
– Client Authentication support
– Support of Redmine Server version 2.0 or higher
-.Net Framework 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 is not supported due to some bugs.
– Works with Windows Server 2008 or higher
– Commercial
– Private
For more information, please feel free to contact us by e-mail:
[email protected]

System Requirements For RMClient:

Single player and multi-player:
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Video Card: DirectX 8.0, ATI Radeon x600 or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
DirectX: Version 9.0 or later
Hard Disk: 8 GB
Playstation 2 Recommended
Processor: Core2 Duo 2.0 GHz





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