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There are plenty of video tutorials available for beginners, though you can access and watch many of them online with the search engine YouTube.

How does Photoshop work?

When you open Photoshop, you are greeted with the main window. There are two panels: the top panel features the Tools and the bottom panel is for Modifying.


Pixels: The Pixels panel allows you to make changes to the image’s resolution, or pixel size, in both vertical and horizontal directions. This can be altered by clicking on either of the buttons or by setting the number in the top-right text area.

View: Set your current viewing format to your preferred one. This can be found on the View menu on the top panel.

History: The History panel is where you access other images that you have worked on using the features of the program, which may be helpful if you made some mistakes and want to go back. Click on the triangle icon at the top of the window to access the history.


The Modifying panel is where you alter and manipulate the image. There are many things you can do here, and the panel is split into 3 sections:

Paintbrush: The Paintbrush allows you to paint on your image using both the color channels and the blending modes.

: The Paintbrush allows you to paint on your image using both the color channels and the blending modes. Layers: The Layers panel allows you to add and subtract layers, and if you have multiple image sizes, you can access them in this panel. To add a new layer, click the New Layer icon at the top of the panel, a new dialog box will appear, which you will use to name your layer.

Adjustments: This section contains the more advanced tools for manipulating images, including the Gradient tool, Burn tool, Dodge and Burn tool, and the Smudge and Blur tools.

Canvas: This is the canvas that you work on. You can do anything you want with the canvas, including resize it, rotate, scale it, and so on.

Map: Click on the map icon to view and set the active layer. You can also perform most functions that are available in the layer section in this panel.


There are two ways you can save your image:

File > Save (or Ctrl + S) uses the Save As option that allows you to save the image

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Although Photoshop is the number one software for image editing, its price and weight is prohibitive to many, especially the hobbyists and amateurs.

This post will take you through the most useful features of Adobe Photoshop Elements for graphic designers, photographers, web designers, and anyone looking to get into the field.

Adobe Photoshop Elements features

Adobe Photoshop Elements comes with a bundle of features. Some of the included tools are divided into categories, such as graphics and photo editing, retouching, web design, illustration, and so on.

Below is a list of the main tools and features that are included with Adobe Photoshop Elements.

What’s Photoshop Elements?

It is a digital imaging software application originally developed by the company Adobe. However, over the years, the program has been extended and evolved to help professionals and hobbyists edit and create images.

The list of features and tools for Photoshop Elements will help you in creating your desired photos and editing them for the Internet or any online media.

For example, using the image editing feature in Photoshop Elements, you can perform color correction and image adjustments.

The “Adjustment Layers” allows you to arrange your layers with reference points, so you can change the color or lightness of any area of the image.

Adobe Photoshop Elements comes with a set of 20 tools, to help you with most image editing and retouching work. The program also has a set of 15 tools for photo editing including different filters and effects to color, contrast, sharpness, and so on.

Add a title to your images using the built-in graphics tools

Adobe Photoshop Elements Photo Editor allows you to easily add metadata (the description of the image, the shot, the photographer’s name, and so on), which is often referred to as the “Photo Information”. To perform this, choose the Image title option from the toolbox. It displays the word “photo” at the bottom of the photo along with the time, date, and the photographer’s name.

You can also use the feature to add text and font effects to your image. You can add the effect after you’re done editing using the “Picture” > “Adjust > Effects & Adjustments” icon.

Download and edit your images on a Mac

If you’re working on a Mac, you can

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Java synchronized keyword

“Do all object of a class need to be synchronized to the same object to have synchronized effect?”


Just because a class has the java.lang.Object.synchronized modifier doesn’t mean it has to be synchronized.
For example, the java.util.Collection classes don’t have the synchronized keyword but they do have a synchronized method which simply iterates over all the members and acquires a lock before iterating.
No, using synchronized in a class does not guarantee synchronized. The particular member(s) of the class are responsible for synchronization.


Prevent make to run bash -c each target as a new shell session

We’re working on a legacy C codebase which uses makefiles to run builds on all platforms (linux, OSX,…). It takes several hours to build and tests on all platforms, so we also run the tests before submitting the build.
The problem is, as soon as make starts using bash -c, make spawns a new shell instance for every one of the targets. So, what ends up happening is:
for i in $( find. -name “*.c”); do
bash -c “echo $i” &

and then:

bash -c “echo lib1.c”
bash -c “echo lib2.c”
bash -c “echo lib3.c”

which is really slow.
Is there any way to prevent make to spawn a new shell instance for each target?
(this doesn’t happen if the targets are separated by ;, eg:
lib1.c lib2.c lib3.c


bash -c “echo lib1.c”
bash -c “echo lib2.c”
bash -c “echo lib3.c”

I’m pretty sure bash is spawning a subshell for every command. Is there any way to force make to not spawn a subshell?


Convert the target names in your shell script to a list of command-separated arguments and prepend a [ -n “$@” ] check:
make [ -n “$@” ] [ -n “$HOST” ]



What’s New in the?

Votes needed? Good. Nate Parker directed The Birth of a Nation, a film about Nat Turner and the Virginia Slave Rebellion of the 1800s. It’s been a difficult road for him and it’s not clear whether or not the film will be nominated.

It’s technically been on the festival circuit for awhile, but it was really picked up by critics when Angelina Jolie and James Ivory made the film their Cannes pick. I’ve heard it’s about a historical tragedy that could change people’s perception of slavery and the Confederacy, but it’s also a very difficult story to tell. The author of the controversial slave rebellion book on which the film is based claims to have been a part of Nat Turner’s rebellion. Nat Turner also wrote a letter that was stored in the Library of Congress. The titles on the actual letters in the Library of Congress are “A True History of the Late Insurrection of Negroes Against the White Inhabitants of Virginia” and “The Confessions of Nat Turner”. Maybe the history books will tell us something more.

Tim League, the film’s producer, is convinced the film is going to happen. The big-name cast is rumored to be Colin Farrell, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Hudson, Tim Robbins, Penelope Cruz and Ethan Hawke. The movie will be released by Fox Searchlight, which probably makes sense given how the Jolie Ivory thing has played out.

Variety has a bit of info on Nat Turner, written by Kate Taylor:

Born a slave in Southampton County, Va., at the end of the Civil War, Turner escaped to the North, where he converted to Christianity, married and settled in Chester, Va., where he was active in the local Baptist church. After the death of his wife and family, he became discouraged and joined with other blacks in preparing for a possible slave revolt to free his people. On Nov. 22, 1831, Turner and over 40 other slaves rose up against the white colonists in a two-day uprising in Southampton County, freeing themselves and some 300 others by killing 90 white men and capturing or driving off the rest. Turner was killed by an orderly of the governor, and his body was buried in the county courthouse in Jerusalem, but it was soon exhumed by a group of whites and burned. The rebellion was given a vivid legend by Turner’s followers, who portrayed the

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core i3-3rd Generation or AMD equivalent
Memory: 4GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD 3000 or AMD Radeon HD 5000 equivalent
Storage: 5GB available space
DirectX: Version 11
Network Adapter: Broadband Internet Connection
Additional Notes:
CPU: Intel Core i5-4th Generation or

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