NTFSInfo Crack







NTFSInfo Crack+ Free

NTFSInfo Crack For Windows is a small, command-line utility that lists information about a volume including its allocation units, file names and free space. The information provided by NTFSInfo is derived from the volume’s Master File Table (MFT).
NTFSInfo displays information about the volume’s MFT as well as its cluster size and allocation units. NTFSInfo also provides information about the MFT-Zone and free space reserved for the MFT.
NTFSInfo is designed to be run from a command line and does not depend on any external libraries or other programs.

** Everything in bold is my personal opinion.
** ** All the technical details of the Hack I used.

In order to get my Hack ready for the next computer I was considering, I wanted to install Win98 on a partition and for the last few months I’ve been fiddling around with how to do it. Most of the hacks I’ve seen for the purpose of installing Win98 are either expensive, involve special hardware, or something else that gets in the way of the process. I decided to try something else. I wrote this little hack, which, to my surprise, works.

** First, you need a bootable DOS disk. I used CD/ROM #1, which came with Win98. The ISO file for it was
WIN98.CD.txt. You’ll need to use the Install Now button on the boot menu to start the installation, but if you go to the installation prompt, you can instead use the /D switch for the DOS command to start an NTFS file system.

** As for the Hack, it’s a matter of removing the old Win98 OS and creating a NTFS partition, then installing Win98 on that partition.

** Notice that the bootable Windows 98 disk has both the Windows 98 4.0 and the Windows 98 3.x directory structures. I don’t know if that makes a difference in the Hack. If not, it shouldn’t.

** For now, I’m only concerned with the difference in the directory structure, so I’m not worrying about whether the CD-ROM’s bootable Win98 actually contains the 3.x directory structure.

** Now, let’s talk about what’s going to be done.

** You will start the Hack by removing the old Win98 partition and putting a new one in its place.

** Your initial hack would probably remove a partition, format the newly

NTFSInfo Crack + [Mac/Win]

DIR /AH /ALL /SORT Microsoft
Volume List Shows:
Name Cluster Units (Bytes) Cluster Size (Bytes) Creation Time
Mounted Size of MFT Master File Table (bytes) MFT-Zone Size (bytes)
Media Size (bytes) Free Space (bytes) Page Counts #Reserved Blocks #Allocated Blocks
Addressable Blocks % of Addressable Size Reservation % of Reserved Size Reservation % of Volume Size
This Info Is Protected:
Protected Type Information Protected File Information Data Corruption
Drive Crypt Algorithm
Version Compression
This is version 0.4
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Andrew Hartson
Any use, modification, duplication, or distribution of the contents of this document, in whole or in part, is
subject to a non-exclusive licence to Andrew Hartson, the copyright holder.

MS-DOS info is an information source for Microsoft operating systems such as MS-DOS 6.22/7.10, MS-DOS 8, Windows 3.0, Windows 95 and Windows 98. It was developed by M.B. Townsend, and was previously available from Robert Y. Smith (bbs@roby.net).
The MS-DOS info program is a powerful file utility that will give you all sorts of information about MS-DOS files. It is mostly used to troubleshoot MS-DOS files. You can read information about file dates, ownership, security, attributes and more. You can compare the changes in one file with another to determine where and when changes were made to the file.
The program works in the same manner as dsklist, but adds some additional information. For example, the user can select whether or not to compare a file’s date or attributes and whether the comparison should be performed automatically or with confirmation. You can also review the file’s attribute definitions and add or remove specific attributes. It will also list the data contained in a file. It will even tell you if the file is part of a compressed file system.
The program supports FAT, FAT32 and NTFS formats, so you can use it to troubleshoot your MS-DOS disks. In addition, it will list the files on CD and DVD drives and will list information on removable and fixed hard disk drives, so it can be used to test a PC’s hard drive or floppy disk drives.
When compared to dsklist, the

NTFSInfo Crack +

Views information about an NTFS volume (but not modify it).
Does not require Administrator privileges.
Does not use a shell to perform the operation.
Does not read or write to the volume.
Written in Python
Compatible with Windows XP and up.
1.5.4 API Support for Windows 98 SE
Supported NTFS version: 3.0
(Backwards compatible with 3.5 and up)
Available through the Add/Remove Programs
applet in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2008.
Author’s Website:
Official Forum:
Please report bugs to my website. Thank you!
How to install:
Source Code:
License: GNU Public License v2 or later

NTFS Information for Windows XP

Released under the GPL v2 or later.


“Download” it to your computer (releases are automatically downloaded to your downloads directory.)

Use NTFSInfo

Double click on the NTFSInfo icon (or use the “Start” menu to access “StartUp/Run”)

Navigate to the root directory of the NTFS volume you want information about.

For example, to view information about a drive with the name “C:” on it:

C:\>ntfsinfo C:

If a drive contains a file named $Boot it should already be there. If you don’t see it, you can make it visible by pressing “Enter” at the command prompt.

If you want to do a directory listing, press the “D” button.

When you’re done, press “Exit” at the command prompt.


NTFSInformation works on Windows XP. For Windows Vista and

What’s New In?

NTFSInfo is a little applet that shows you information about NTFS volumes. Its dump includes the size of a drive’s allocation units, where key NTFS files are located, and the sizes of the NTFS metadata files on the volume. This information is typically of little more than curiosity value, but NTFSInfo does show some interesting things. For example, you’ve probably heard about the NTFS equivalent of the FAT file system’s File Allocation Table.
Its called the Master File Table (MFT), and it is made up of constant sized records that describe the location of all the files and directories on the drive. What’s surprising about the MFT is that it is managed as a file, just like any other.
With NTFSInfo you will be able to see where on the disk (in terms of clusters) the MFT is located and how large it is, in addition to specifying how large the volume’s clusters and MFT records are.
In order to protect the MFT from fragmentation, NTFS reserves a portion of the disk around the MFT that it will not allocate to other files unless disk space runs low. This area is known as the MFT-Zone and NTFSInfo will tell you where on the disk the MFT-Zone is located and what percentage of the drive is reserved for it.
You might also be surprised to know that like the MFT, all NTFS meta-data are managed in files. For instance, there is a file called $Boot that is mapped to cover the drive’s boot sector. The volume’s cluster map is maintained in another file named $Bitmap.
These files reside right in the NTFS root directory, but you can’t see them unless you know they are there. Try typing “dir /ah $boot” at the root directory of an NTFS volume and you’ll actually see the $boot file. NTFSInfo performs the equivalent of the “dir /ah” to show you the names and sizes of all of NTFS (3.51 and 4.0) meta-data files.
NTFSInfo uses an undocumented File System Control (FSCTL) call to obtain information from NTFS about a volume. It prints this information along with a directory dump of NTFS meta-data files.

NTFSInfo Description:
NTFSInfo is a little applet that shows you information about NTFS volumes. Its dump includes the size of a drive’s allocation units, where key NTFS files are located, and the sizes of the NTFS metadata files on the volume. This information is typically of little more than curiosity value, but NTFSInfo does show some interesting things. For example, you’ve probably heard about the NTFS equivalent of the FAT file system’s File Allocation Table.
Its called the Master File Table (MFT), and it


System Requirements For NTFSInfo:

• OS: Microsoft Windows 7/8, Windows Vista
• CPU: 1.8 GHz
• RAM: 2GB or more
• Graphics: OpenGL 2.0
• Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card and speakers or headphones
• Storage: ~2GB
• Peripherals: Windows keyboard and mouse
-This game may cause your system to freeze or crash at times. You should always use a powerful CPU, RAM, and graphics card. A clean install is highly recommended.




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