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Jung kristopher

21-01-20 05:11 PM

Hello everyone

I changed my computer recently, I have an ACER ASPIRE 5750 and my windows 8.1 is 128 gb, only one 2,7 gb ssd and plust a 1 tera hardrive.
I have installed windows 8.1 in internal hard drive, and my m/b has 4 gb of ram.
My problem is when i turn on my laptop, i cant choose for the first boot the internal or the external hdd.
When i select for the first boot the internal hard drive, the windows logo dont appear, and im forced to go to the recovery menu(C-Z I think).
It happens with any OS that i try to install, i tried with windows 7 and 7.1, and even tried with ubuntu and mint, none of them get the same thing.
Since it is a laptop, and i have one external, and only one internal hard drive, i dnt want to use the one that doesnt work, could someone help me please?
I installed the kali linux, but since it is a old laptop, i cant use it as a router.
I can make any modifications to the harddrive, if i have to but for now i just want to have a normal boot with the normal OS.


11-12-17 10:51 PM

i can be in the dark with you, i dont have good knowledge how to change any settings.


11-12-17 11:43 PM

r is only because you downloaded it from some illegitimate sites.


12-01-17 09:17 PM

Voulez-vous vous disputer?

Ned Lobos

12-12-17 10:47 AM



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