ISIS – Enemies Of Humanity 720p HD REPACK

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ISIS: The Enemies of Humanity Revealed in 720p HD

ISIS, also known as the Islamic State, is a terrorist group that has been wreaking havoc all across the globe. They have committed horrific atrocities against innocent civilians, such as beheadings, mass shootings, bombings, kidnappings, and enslavement. They have also targeted religious minorities, such as Christians, Yazidis, and Shia Muslims, and have destroyed ancient cultural heritage sites. They have declared a caliphate, or an Islamic state, in parts of Iraq and Syria, and have inspired or directed attacks in other countries, such as France, Belgium, Germany, Turkey, and the United States.

But who are these enemies of humanity? What do they want? How do they operate? And how can they be stopped? These are some of the questions that this 720p HD documentary aims to answer. This film is based on extensive research and interviews with experts, former members, victims, and witnesses of ISIS. It exposes the commander of ISIS camp who indoctrinates the youth for violent acts of terror in the form of armed jihad, sleeper cells, suicide bombers, and lone wolf attackers. It also reveals the ideology and the propaganda of ISIS, which is based on a distorted interpretation of Islam and a rejection of democracy and human rights.

This documentary is a must-watch for anyone who wants to learn more about the life of terrorists, their ideology, and a solution that challenges this violent ideology. It is a film that exposes the truth about ISIS and their crimes against humanity.

In this 720p HD documentary, you will see the following segments:

  • The origins and history of ISIS: How did ISIS emerge from the chaos of the Iraq War and the Syrian Civil War? How did they manage to recruit and radicalize thousands of fighters from around the world? How did they establish their brutal rule over millions of people?
  • The tactics and strategies of ISIS: How does ISIS plan and execute their attacks? How do they use social media and online platforms to spread their message and recruit new members? How do they finance their operations and evade detection?
  • The impact and consequences of ISIS: How has ISIS affected the lives of the people living under their control or in their target areas? How has ISIS provoked a humanitarian crisis and a refugee crisis in the region and beyond? How has ISIS challenged the international community and the global order?
  • The solutions and alternatives to ISIS: How can ISIS be defeated militarily and ideologically? How can the victims of ISIS be helped and supported? How can the root causes of extremism and violence be addressed? How can a peaceful and inclusive future be envisioned for the Middle East and the world?

This documentary is not only informative, but also engaging and compelling. It features interviews with experts, former members, victims, and witnesses of ISIS, as well as footage from the ground and from the air. It also includes graphics, animations, maps, and statistics to illustrate the facts and figures. It is a film that will make you think, feel, and act.

The origins and history of ISIS

ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, is a terrorist group that emerged from the chaos of the Iraq War and the Syrian Civil War. The group traces its roots to a radical faction of al-Qaeda in Iraq, led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who waged a bloody insurgency against the US-led coalition and the Iraqi government after the 2003 invasion. Zarqawi was killed in a US airstrike in 2006, and his successor, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, declared the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) later that year. ISI was one of the main groups behind the sectarian violence that plagued Iraq in the mid-2000s.

In 2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the leader of ISI, and expanded its operations to Syria, where a civil war had erupted in 2011 between the regime of Bashar al-Assad and various rebel groups. Baghdadi sent one of his deputies, Abu Mohammad al-Joulani, to establish a branch of ISI in Syria, which became known as Jabhat al-Nusra, or the Nusra Front. However, Baghdadi and Joulani soon clashed over the leadership and strategy of the group, and in 2013, Baghdadi announced that ISI and Nusra had merged to form the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Joulani rejected this move and pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda’s leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, who also denounced ISIS as illegitimate.

ISIS then fought against both the Syrian regime and the rebel groups, including Nusra and other Islamist factions. ISIS gained control over large swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq, exploiting the power vacuum and the sectarian divisions in both countries. In June 2014, ISIS captured Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, and declared a caliphate, or an Islamic state, under Baghdadi’s rule. ISIS also changed its name to the Islamic State (IS), claiming to be the sole representative of all Muslims worldwide.


ISIS: Enemies of Humanity is a 720p HD documentary that exposes the truth about the terrorist group that has been threatening the world with its violent and extremist ideology. The film shows how ISIS emerged from the turmoil of the Iraq War and the Syrian Civil War, how it operates and finances its activities, how it affects the lives of millions of people, and how it can be defeated and prevented. The film also provides a solution that challenges the violent ideology of ISIS and promotes a peaceful and inclusive vision for the future of humanity.

This documentary is not only informative, but also engaging and compelling. It features interviews with experts, former members, victims, and witnesses of ISIS, as well as footage from the ground and from the air. It also includes graphics, animations, maps, and statistics to illustrate the facts and figures. It is a film that will make you think, feel, and act.

ISIS: Enemies of Humanity is a film that everyone should watch to learn more about the life of terrorists, their ideology, and a solution that challenges this violent ideology. It is a film that shows that terrorism is the enemy of humanity, and that unity and cooperation are the best weapons to overcome it.


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