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Sonic Foundry is a leading independent developer of audio and music creation tools, utilities, and libraries. Best known for the Sonic Foundry Sonar digital audio workstation, the software is renowned for its innovative time-stretching, pitch-shifting, and frequency-shifting technology. SFX sells its products and services to a worldwide client base and is regularly awarded “Best Product” by prominent publications such as PC Magazine.

Torrent, short for the term file transfer protocol, is a peer-to-peer file transfer protocol developed for transferring files across the Internet. These are large files with the size of a media format, such as a movie file. A torrent file is a collection of data that describes the chunks of data for the pieces of the larger file. Each piece of data, or torrent file, contains the information necessary to download a piece of a larger file.

Torrents are increasingly popular ways of downloading large files. The technology has moved on a lot in the last few years, but the basics remain the same. When you want to download a torrent file, you need to download a torrent client and find a torrent tracker.

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