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Frequent Hookups Are Bad For Your Health

If you’re talking about the biological kind, all casual sex is bad for your health. Because of how pleasurable it can be, especially if you’re having a good time with people you’re new to (or someone you know from another part of your life), you are more likely to go back to it. Instead of trying to find the person who might be the right one, you’re more apt to sleep with everyone in your path.
If you want to decrease your risk of STDs, look for a partner who is more focused on individual identity and what you want from the relationship. Many people who have casual sex do want more than a one-night stand. Although that’s okay, it’s not really going to lead to a long-lasting relationship. So when you do this, you want to make sure that you can be picky about your choice in the first place.
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Casual sex is bad for your relationship. People use dating apps and hookup websites to find casual sex partners. They’re casual for a reason. If you and your partner have an expectation about what casual sex is for you, and then find yourself engaging in casual sex outside that expectation, it won’t be a good fit. Unless you believe in casual sex, and unless you’ve clearly discussed what kind of casual sex you want to have, you shouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t work out.

People might be casual, but casual sex is not a casual idea. If you want to have casual sex with someone, think about what that might mean. Do you just want to have sex with them with no expectation that you’ll be seeing them again? Or, does that mean that you want to hook up with them, but don’t necessarily see them outside of your life as a hookup or casual partner?
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If you think you’re doing something wrong — and that in itself is a sign of an unhealthy relationship — then you should change. More intimacy means more time spent together, and so going to sex when you don’t really, genuinely want it to can be disrespectful to the person with whom you’re having the sex. If you have a condom in the freezer, don’t be afraid to use it if you’re not comfortable with your situation. Taking chances like this during an unexpected encounter can lead to something unexpected.
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Like alcohol and tobacco, no one can accurately claim that sex is “good” or “bad.” Instead, sex is merely something that you and a partner enjoy, and perhaps find enjoyable in a variety of different ways. When it comes to sex itself, the key is not so much the activity itself as how you approach sex. With that said, casual sex is something that’s not necessarily healthy for some people, while for others it can have positive effects.
Having casual sex?
The definition of sex means sexual intercourse. So even if you’ve had sex with someone other than your partner or had sex in the past, you still know what sex is.
Healthy has been defined as something that is not physically detrimental. Having casual sex is not going to make you sick. It’s not going to kill you.
Because of those reasons, you can be absolutely certain that casual sex doesn’t do any lasting damage to your health. If there is no attachment, then it will not impact the health of your or your partner.
One of the most important things to do before having casual sex is to make sure both parties have weighed the pros and cons of doing so. That includes deciding whether the things that are bringing you together are worth the risk. Having the opportunity to get to know a person, find out what drives them, and listen to their thoughts on themselves in the context of having sex.
There are many ways of doing this that don’t require getting naked and having sex. Some of which include setting boundaries before and during the encounter, making clear that the relationship being had isn’t going to be anything more than a one-off, and being honest with the type of sex you’re after, or if it’s even possible, who you’re having it with.
By simply taking these three steps, you will give yourself the chance to enjoy casual sex, or not, with the reassurance that you’ve done everything in your power to take all potential risks and keep yourself in good health.
Are you single, and thinking about hooking up with casual sex? Here are five things to consider before you begin.

1. Set Boundaries

2. Be Honest

3. Be Thoughtful

Have fun having a good time. Before you begin, think about what the goal is. Is it solely about the sex? How likely is this going to be? Do you want to change some habits?

1. Set Boundaries

Whether you’re looking for something casual or serious


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