HD Online Player (Transformers: The Last Knight (Engli) !!BETTER!!

HD Online Player (Transformers: The Last Knight (Engli) !!BETTER!!



HD Online Player (Transformers: The Last Knight (Engli)

sam is basically the protagonist of this film, so he’s the main focus. i like his style, much like optimus prime himself, though it’s hard to say. in this case, sam reminds me of the young optimus prime from the animated series/movie. he has the aloofness, but in this one, it comes across as more playful than aloof. he’s also very “cool under pressure,” while he is obviously anything but during the latter half of the film. — m sipher ( talk ) 17:34, 30 march 2021 (edt)

“and you know what happens when you mess with a bad guy’s family.” he has quite a lot of screen time in this film, so it is certainly different that way. quite a lot of his story is told to him by optimus prime or some other autobot, so he is still trying to work out what to do with his special abilities. he is also an excellent character to have as an action hero. from what i can gather, he is sam’s best mate. sam always looks out for him, no matter what. sam takes him along to hunt down the dark energon or dark energon cannon. — m sipher ( talk ) 14:32, 30 march 2021 (edt)

sam is still on cybertron, where he is assembling a robot created by the autobots’ human allies, in order to recreate the allspark and return to earth. meanwhile, the human government is offering a large reward to anyone who can lead them to the decepticons’ leadership council. sam heads to chicago to find epps, and after meeting with carly, he recruits her and a group of soldiers to help him infiltrate the decepticon base with the help of durgesh, the indian head of the mercenary group ccd. once in, they are attacked by laserbeak, who teleports sam to the decepticon ship. sam breaks away, and he is taken to the decepticons’ leadership council. upon sam entering the council chamber, the decepticons surround him, only to fall victim to a plan by the autobots to blast the ship out of the sky, using the quinjet. the autobots hand sam over to the quintjet’s crew, who decides to use him to kill the decepticons. meanwhile, on earth, sam’s father is forced to help carly, who is in a hospital, across the country to bumblebee’s planet to find sam. as they near the planet, carly is critically injured. sam finds her, and after a fight with a decepticon, they are saved by epps, who tells them that sam is still on cybertron, and that he has located a fully grown optimus prime and that it is a good thing that sam is not on cybertron, as the astromorph would not have the strength to hold the ship together. the humans and the two autobots return to earth.










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