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How can I make an uppercase character in ruby?

I’m trying to make an “upgrade” procedure and I would like to know if there’s a way to convert uppercase characters (like new, or up, etc.) to lowercase in ruby. Is there an operator for that?


Of course, UPPERCASE (which returns the input unmodified) can be used to convert a string to uppercase:
puts “Hello”.upcase # => HELLO

Since the String class is an Enumerable, you can also use the case method to convert the whole collection:
puts “Hello”.case # => HELLO
puts [1, 2, 3].case # => [1, 2, 3]

You can also convert the first character with upcase:
puts “Hello”.upcase[0] # => H

This behavior is documented here.
Since Ruby has no built-in method to convert strings to all uppercase, you would have to do it yourself. However, there are a few ways to do it:
string.gsub(/[A-Z]/i, ”)

Since Ruby has no operator to convert to all lowercase, there is not a constant like LOWERCASE.
If you need to convert all or part of a string to lowercase, use lowercase string methods instead.

(The reason this method is useful in some situations is that if you assign the result to a variable of type String, it will be automatically downcased. However, in some other situations, it might not be the behavior you expect. Use with caution.)

Here is some good reading on the subject, but most of it is about the String class.


There is no separate method in Ruby to convert an upper case letter to lower case. There is no operator, for example, for converting a string to all lower case.
To convert an arbitrary character you can use the gsub method:
original_string.gsub(/[A-Z]/, “”) # or ‘abc’ will be converted to ‘abc’

If you want the first letter to be lowercase you can do


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Failed to connect to IntelJITServer: The specified connection was closed
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v1.0 works good
Published: 2016-08-30 13:15
Restoring MS04-013 (KB2919355) from SYSVOL
An error was detected for file ID: 46475
i was trying to restore MS04-013 (KB2919355) but i got the following error:
failed to connect to IntelJITServer: The specified connection was closed
I tried to remove and reinstall the certificate on Workstation and Server 2012 but the error still occurs
I’m not connected to the network at the moment
I’ve applied several fixes for the previous updates but I still have the problem
i wasn’t connected to the network but you think this update was connected to the network?
I applied a hotfix for this update but it didn’t solve anything
You think this update will be solved with this hotfix?
I’ve removed the two files on my workstation and replaced with those from the SLP server but the error still occurs
I’ve removed the two files on my workstation and replaced with those from the SLP server but the error still occurs
You think this update will be solved with this hotfix?

I think that i can fix this with this patch:
The hotfix is for the nautilus file manager. So i don’t think it will affect our update.

I could reproduce the problem with this hotfix. I don’t know what caused the problem in the first place. If you are connected to the network during the update you shouldn’t encounter this problem.

You said that you had already applied the hotfix but the problem still occurs. Did you restart your Windows Service after the hotfix was installed?

Yes I’ve restarted the Windows Service after i installed the hotfix.

You used the hotfix on your Server 2012 but still have the problem. When you update the hotfix

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