
Grsync was developed as a Rsync GUI. The software enables you to synchronize and backup folders and files.
Rsync is the well-known and powerful Command Line directory and file synchronization tool. Grsync is an open source tool that uses GTK libraries.







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Grsync is a graphical front end to Rsync, and is being developed at along with Rsync. It uses GTK3 and is fully compatible with Rsync.
Among its important features are:
– Supports RSYNC protocol (default, backups and restores).
– Can be used as a front-end to rsync
– Handles recursive, parallel, and incremental backups
– Handles hardlinks and symlink
– Menu-driven, customizable for efficient use
– Different compression and encryption methods are supported
– Both file and directory synchronization
– Supports both read-only and read/write backups
– Supports SSH, FTP, and HTTP proxies
– Supports reading from and writing to existing Rsync and Grsync sessions
– Support backups to any remote server
– Can be installed and run in any directory
– Can be run as a daemon
– By default, supports just one user, but it is easy to change that.
– Can support passwordless authentication (requires rsa or ssh key)
– Supports backup to a network share
– Supports multi-user backup (requires external system for multi-user support)
– Supports multiple back-end servers
– Supports storing backup history in SQLite (requires MySQL or Postgres)
– Supports SSH public/private keys
– Supports FTP and SFTP connections
– Supports S3, FTP, Amazon S3, and Rackspace Cloud Files
– Can be used in Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X
– Grsync is written in C++ and Ported to Linux GTK3






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Grsync stands for “Grunt Sync”.
Grsync is a command line tool built in Python (GTK) and written in Python (GTK).
Grsync (GNU, Git), a file synchronization tool, is developed as a Rsync GUI. Grsync was developed as a Rsync GUI. The software enables you to synchronize and backup folders and files. Grsync is a command line tool built in Python (GTK) and written in Python (GTK).
Grsync acts like a client that synchronizes local and remote files and a server that backs up local files to remote location. It also helps you synchronize directories, subdirectories and files both locally and remotely. It can also be used as a Git repository with git hooks.

Sites that are using Grsync:

Grsync Tutorial

On the Install page of the website, follow the link named Getting Started in the list on the right side of the page.

Download Grsync.

Download the Ubuntu package (full version), or the file Grsync_version_full.deb that you can use to install the latest version.

Open the.deb file that you just downloaded and install the package.

Grsync is only compatible with Ubuntu Linux, Debian Linux and Fedora Linux.

Make sure you have a working Python (GTK) and GTK devel packages on your system. Type the following command in a terminal to see if you are in the right Python (GTK) and GTK devel packages.

sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 python-gobject

Enable your python module by typing the following command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install python-dev

Create a home directory, where you want to store data:

mkdir /home/data

Create a Grsync Data Directory:

Grsync will automatically create a data directory in your home directory.
The data directory is used to store your files.
The default data directory is named Grsync-data.
Create the data directory for Grsync by typing the following command in a terminal:

sudo mkdir -p /home/data/Grsync-data

Create a Grsync Configuration Directory:

The configuration directory is used to store configuration data.
The default configuration directory is named Grsync-config.
Create the configuration directory for Grsync by typing the following command in

Grsync Torrent (2022)

Grsync is an open source tool and it provides GUI front-end that allows using rsync from command line. It can backup, synchronize and archive directories and files. Grsync is a GUI front-end for rsync and it has been developed as a separate project to provide an efficient tool to backup, synchronize and archive directories and files. The current version of Grsync is 0.4.2.
There are more than 300 downloads every day, so this software will not be archived.

By ksacha.
Download the latest version of Grsync 0.4.2 (grsync-0.4.2.exe) from Download page

By ksacha.
Download the latest version of Grsync ( from Download page

The original version of Grsync

The original version of Grsync was developed to be a client for rsync and it was developed with the aim to be an extremely easy to use tool. You can update the list of tools in the Grsync Menu options by installing the latest versions of rsync and grsync.

Grsync Features

Grsync is an open source tool and it has been developed to be a GUI front-end to rsync. You may use it from command line and it has no dependencies with other software. In the current version of Grsync (0.4.2) you can use this software to:

Backup: You can create backups of directories and files. You can use as many levels of directories as you want and you can choose what files to copy and which directories to not copy.

Synchronize: Grsync enables you to synchronize directories and files from one computer to another one or to a network drive.

Archive: Grsync lets you to create backups of directories and files and with the help of this tool you can archive directory.

Task Management: Grsync has a task manager where you can see the status of the jobs that you have started.

Export and Import: Grsync allows you to export and import of directories and files in the following formats: GZ, TAR, ZIP, PGP, SFV, Tar, RAR.

File Manager: Grsync is a very easy to use file manager. You can browse and open as many files as you want and you can view them by playing them, preview them or access them in other programs.


What’s New In?

Grsync is a graphical User Interface to rsync.
Grsync features:
Synchronize directories and directories in the same size. Generate and send incremental syncrhonization between directories.
Grsync Features:
Grsync is a graphical User Interface to rsync.
Simple usage;
Add files and folders to the GUI;
Tools for rsync, such as the -x and -e options;
Grsync Screenshots:


Backing up
1) We have named our target directory “Backup”. Simply open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type:
cd /home/user
mkdir Backup
cd Backup

2) Create a directory for your backup. If you want to be a bit smarter and keep it out of the way, create it in the root location first.
mkdir /home/user/Backup

3) And now we can start backing up the files in the current directory (Use tab completion to fill in the directory path).
rsync -av –progress –delete –exclude=’.Trash’ /home/user/ /home/user/Backup

4) Execute the command, you will be asked a few things.
5) Type

and press Enter. This will exclude folders starting with.Trash. This is so the directory itself doesn’t get backed up. For our backup this is the Trash directory. In Linux, this is the location where deleted files are dumped.
6) Type
–exclude –exclude-from=mnt/backup.txt

This excludes the exclusion files. Feel free to use the directory location for the backup.text file if you want. If you have a lot of exclude’s use –exclude-from=mnt/backup.txt –exclude-from=backup.txt.
7) Type

and press Enter and you should see a lot of folder names. Press Enter on your keyboard to accept all the folders. The file system will ask permission for executing commands.
8) This command is very important. This will create a new exclude.txt file which will be written to the folder that you choose for your backup. This is so we do not accidentally exclude a lot of files.

9) Type


System Requirements For Grsync:

OS: Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.6 GHz or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Storage: 30 GB available space
Graphics: DirectX 9 Compatible Video Card (including Intel HD 4000 graphics and AMD Radeon HD 5000 graphics)
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: At least 100 GB available space for installation; 250 GB recommended
DVD: Region 1 encoding only
Additional Notes: The game requires an online connection when installing and playing,

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