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Your First Date

Long-term relationships tend to go in cycles, and if you’re looking for a serious love affair, it’s important that you consider what you want. What kind of relationship you’re looking for—casual or committed? Do you prefer the “new friends and lovers” lifestyle or the “fiance in a few weeks” lifestyle? It can be tricky to decide, but I’d say that the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with yourself in the first place. If you’ve ever had a serious falling out with a friend, or worse, a friendship turned into something more, you may need to do some soul searching before you jump back into the dating game. Whether you’ve been on dozens of dates, or you’re actually just meeting your first partner, here are some general guidelines for a successful date:

Tell them that they’re good-looking. If you’ve read everything you could online about how to pick up chicks (including the good and the bad), then you’ve probably heard that the best way to get a girlfriend is to play it cool. And while at first, that may seem to be a great piece of advice, women tend to get a little jealous if they think that you’re just being polite. Instead, express that you’ve been following them on Tinder, or that you want to check out what they’ve been putting on Instagram. There’s not much to complain about in that case, right?

Don’t rush things. If you’re in an overly intense relationship, dating can be a little intimidating for both of you. Women also assume that men want to have sex on the first date, but this is a myth (at least in my opinion). You can show your respect for the woman by taking her for coffee and chatting instead of letting her think that you’re going to do anything other than show her that you actually give a shit about her. Also, remember to show some initiative: Introduce yourself, and ask her something about herself. This is going to seem like a big deal, but if she’s super nice and funny, she’ll feel good about herself and, more importantly, you’ll be able to tell that she’s interesting from the get go.

Don’t ask her about her relationship. If you’re completely comfortable with the woman, you can ask her about her ex, but it’s probably best not to ask something like, “How long were you together for?” That may sound like a joke, but if she’s in a
Dating can be daunting for anyone, but the same is true if you’re an introvert. Introverts often have many different fears when it comes to dating. We can have extremely anxious feelings about talking to someone new for the first time, especially if that person is a stranger. While most people fear rejection, introverts fear rejection much more than that—we fear that we’re going to be misunderstood, that we won’t be able to be ourselves, that we will fail at something we are supposed to be good at. For introverts, even trying to be ourselves can be very scary.

Like most anxiety disorders, dating anxiety is treated very differently from person to person, but there are things you can do to help you feel more confident and comfortable about meeting people, meeting new people, and more generally being happy and successful at dating. There are some things that you can do to help your partner, too, so read on for some ways to lessen the stress of dating for both of you.

Steps to Take to Cope with Dating Anxiety Before Starting to Date

The first thing you need to know is that dating anxiety, while it’s not actually an anxiety disorder, is extremely common—and it’s often mistaken for having anxiety. Most people who deal with anxiety have some form of depression, and thus, will have some form of dating anxiety. If you have anxiety, then that’s something you need to work on—but don’t wait to work on it until after you’ve started dating.

So how can you tell if you have anxiety when you start dating? It’s hard to really know, because no one other than you will see your anxiety, but you can probably start to notice when it starts to affect your ability to do things. As an introvert, it could be that you can only talk to a few people at a time, and not enjoy being a part of a group of people as much as you’d like to. It could be that you don’t even want to be in a room full of people. It could be that you don’t like to eat or drink in the presence of people. It could even be that you constantly feel that you’re about to be in an embarrassing or uncomfortable situation. While everyone is different, those are some common signs that you should pay attention to.

But just because you’re feeling anxious doesn’t mean that you need to treat dating like a life-or-death situation. You just need to be aware that you may be

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