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There are plenty of other obvious items that you should consider before venturing into the dating world, and we’ve got you covered with our list of essential items for an awesome date. Like, maybe, a new pair of shoes, since ditching your shoes for a date will not make you look like a total neanderthal. Or, hey, get a haircut, just because nobody should ever look like they’re going on a date. Even if you’re not ready to commit, even if you’re only after a one-night stand, these essentials will help you nab the date of a lifetime.

Dressing Attractively

If you’re not exactly sure what you’re looking for, find a good friend and ask for advice. Every time you go to a new restaurant, tell your date you’re going to see what they think and when they come back, you’ll have an easier time deciding on the place to spend the evening. If you both like it, drop your friend and go out to have a great time.

Be Yourself

The worst thing you can do is fake a personality and try to be someone you’re not. Sure, you’re not going to offend your date by being incredibly terrible at something, but you’re bound to come across as a bit of a buzz kill if you playact just because your family wants you to be a team player. Don’t let your family’s opinions of what you should be dictate your choices about who you want to be. At the same time, don’t be too open about your personality or your interests, either. Your date’s date will be looking for something a little different, and if you’re not into what he’s looking for, you’re going to come across as a little less than attractive. This is especially true if you’re approaching someone of a different gender than you. If you’re unsure of what you want, ask someone you trust and look up trends and what’s in style for the coming year.

Keep It Safe

This is an easy one—don’t do anything you wouldn’t do at home, and if you’re going to be drinking, at least be sure you know what you’re doing and that you’ll be safe. Whether you’re going to a bar, or to a country bar where you know no one, or to a party where you’ll be stuck with a bunch of strangers, be sure you know what you’re doing. If the person is choosing the location, be sure they know what they
We went out on a limb and decided to give you the industry’s best online dating tips that will help you get the most out of dating, while still being able to let go and enjoy the process. Whether you want to date online, meet up with friends, or do it the old-fashioned way, we have your back.

1. Be Yourself

We don’t mean to be self-indulgent or egotistical, but please, for the love of God, be yourself. Have a self-awareness, but understand that you have so much more to offer than you think. You can’t change who you are, so don’t try. That being said, it is super important to be comfortable in your own skin and who you are.

There are some things that we’re sure about—Jason isn’t one of them.

2. Don’t Give Up on Love

Date someone because you truly believe they are the right person for you. Love doesn’t need to be complicated or have any form of attachment. Remember that you only need to love yourself before you love someone else. That’s all there is to it.

3. Give Your Best

It’s okay to be nervous, it’s ok to be a little off-center, and you can always ask someone for help. It’s not your fault if you get nervous, and it’s definitely not anyone else’s fault if you don’t have what it takes to make a great first impression. Be true to who you are and give your absolute best. You’ll be surprised by how many people are genuinely interested in making a great first impression on you.

4. Focus on Quality Over Quantity

It may feel scary at first to think that people are only interested in you for your looks and your looks alone, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Even if you feel you don’t have a personality, keep trying because no one thinks you’re unattractive.

It may have been a while since you last had a great conversation with someone and we’re willing to bet that you actually like them when you talk to them. Online dating is a lot of time looking at pictures. Be yourself, focus on quality and find the one that’s meant for you.

5. Get Your Head in the

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