[FULL] Ls Land Issue 06 Little Pirates !EXCLUSIVE!

[FULL] Ls Land Issue 06 Little Pirates !EXCLUSIVE!


[FULL] Ls Land Issue 06 Little Pirates

2, IPR enforcement: State-run import companies have a 50-50 split between owners who wish to import for profit, and owners who wish to import for the good of the Chinese people. IPR pirates and counterfeiting have become well established and profitable enterprises. The government has not taken effective action to reduce IPR infringement. Instead, it has permitted IPR infringement to grow and thrive. Furthermore, the Chinese government has continued to effectively support smuggling of pirated products. Counterfeiting is a cash cow for Chinese authorities who take substantial revenues from IPR infringements.

4, IPR enforcement in China: For the large Hollywood studios and many home entertainment, music, and publishing companies in the United States, China is the largest market in the world. Losing that business to Chinese-based companies would be a disaster. But we must seek practical solutions for Chinese companies to combat IPR infringement, and to cooperate with our partners abroad in enforcement of our IPR. The United States has led the efforts of other countries to protect the IPRs in the global marketplace. We need to take the lead in this area, as we have in trade issues.

Five, IPR environment: Protection of the ability to innovate is essential to China and the whole world. We know China has paid too little attention to IPR protection for the past two decades. But if China joins the WTO, it must do more to protect the IPRs of others. From the end of the 19th century to the present day, America has been dedicated to protecting intellectual property. We will continue to do so as we work for the common good. With an economy one-fourth the size of the Chinese economy, America has the resources to lead the effort to protect the IPRs of others. We do not have the resources to allow the Chinese to continue to claim unfair trade advantages in the global marketplace.

Little is known about the virtual pirates, or the bootleg DVDs and online downloads that are a shadow of the high seas hijacking but have become a daily occurrence for millions of people throughout the world. As development economists, we see that many of the individuals affected by these problems are the same people who are typically least able to adapt to the pressures of change.
With technical and economic assistance provided by USAID, the Community of Practice (CoP), often in conjunction with other organizations, has been able to partner with communities of producers, buyers, wholesalers, and retailers in the informal economy to increase the sales and revenues of little-known producers and to promote consumer awareness.
It was not until I returned from my trip to Bangladesh that I fully appreciated that this was all true and that we had not only met the real world need of people at the greatest scale but that we had experienced one of the biggest wins in our decade-old effort to better the quality of lives of people through partnerships.
And this, brought up a thousand billion trillion light years to this new discovery of our solar system. It was such a noble, simple feeling, that this was going to be man’s greatest feat. And when astronomers began to extend their telescopes a bit further out from the sun, they saw the planets again, and it was clear that the earth was not alone. He was surprised and pleased to find that the people on the TBNNland were more than usually polite and friendly.
So by all means, get a better translator and a good lawyer. But even if your insurance will not cover those expenses, you can pay for them yourself. Most cases go for free when you hire a lawyer, and the cost of the interpreter is subsidized by the Embassy. A translator who is certified by the U.S. Embassy to communicate with the Pirates should be chosen. Very important: be positive, cheerful, and persistent, but not defensive. When the Chinese believe they are right, which seems to be the case in most countries, a reasonable proposal does not necessarily gain favor. In the case of the car too often the Chinese interpretation and the Pirate translation are very different. The Pirates will ask you what part of the car your property is in, and most of the time you will say the engine, because thats what you paid for. If the car is a Buick, they will say, where is it located in the Buick? If it is a Volga, they will say the same. If you say the transmission, you have lost your car. A word or two will not hurt, but its very important to understand the Pirate. If you put your car in neutral, the Chinese assume that means you are not driving. And the Pirate does not mean to move the car on its own. To them a car is an autonomous entity that cannot be stopped except by crashing it into something. This often happens when the car is accidentally driven into traffic. Often a driver will explain to a traffic policeman, in Chinese, that his car was not his car. And to this the policeman will reply, We see so many Buicks driving by here. (The policeman does not realize that this phrase means a car similar to a Buick is being driven by a person similar to the Chinese driver in that he is driving a car that is not his.)




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