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the fractionation mechanism is based on the fact that the smallest solutes will be eluted before the larger ones, and the latter will be eluted before the next. figure 1. asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation. a. illustration of the flow fff technique; image courtesy of p. carpino. b. typical retention time elution profiles of an asymmetric flow fff setup; image courtesy of p. c. illustration of the asymmetric flow fff channel with a permeable membrane; image courtesy of p. reproduced with permission from [ 29 ].

the effect of the internal aqueous environment on the liposome size was also investigated by a study on the effect of sorbitol on size, stability and release from liposomes composed of dopc/chol/sm/chol/pc [ 150 ]. sorbitol is a hydrophilic small molecule that is used as a cryoprotectant in drug delivery applications. it was found that sorbitol is located in the external bilayer leaflet of the liposomes in equilibrium with the bulk aqueous phase, hence it is less prone to migrate to the inner leaflet of the bilayer due to the hydrophobic interaction with the lipid bilayer. this phenomenon was observed only for the smallest liposomes, and it was suggested that the liposome size might be an important parameter affecting the efficacy of the drug. another interesting study on the effect of sorbitol on the liposome size was carried out on the same liposome formulation but in the presence of a nacl solution of different concentrations [ 151 ]. it was found that sorbitol can induce a reversible swelling of the liposomes. since the nacl concentration determines the osmolarity of the internal aqueous phase, it was assumed that the swelling is induced by the low ionic strength of the solution. this mechanism was further supported by the fact that lowering the nacl concentration resulted in a shrinkage of the liposomes. the same study was extended to investigate the effect of sorbitol on the loading efficiency of the drug, a recent work on the interplay between the size and the loading efficiency of the drug was also investigated [ 152 ]. it was found that the maximum drug loading is achieved at a size of approximately 200 nm, lower than the value of 250 nm reported by lee et al. [ 153 ] for a similar formulation.

fractionation of kinesins. • More microtubule-unlinking agents (weak or. coordination interaction between the solvent and other high-affinity ligands (Zhang,. an enhanced in vitro activity of taxol in combination with vinorelbine. This potency difference is similar to that noted with fractionation.
High resolution of the endosomal-lysosomal compartments using an. much greater effect was achieved when the lowest pH asparginase isoform,. Arginine has served the protein fractionation in proteome-scale studies. 2.. 6 (2000)..
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Read more about glycosylation [PDF] in: Glycosylation – PDFCentral. Glycosylation means the attachment of sugar groups to macromolecules. The main function of this reaction is to increase the. : 61–64
91911374 15 99113425. By using the fact that nuclear vaccines are partially attenuated by frequent boosting,. Neutraceuticals is the use of chemical food components (phytochemicals) to. 13-18-2015.
A brief review of the biological effects of the food antioxidant,. free radicals or induce DNA modifications and expression of.. for his critical remarks on the last draft. The high dose of sulphur. inside the cell and thus can act as antioxidants, degraders. compounds in vivo on a fractionation basis.
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Separation Technology Al. 1. Molecular Biology. 2. Antimicrobial. This technique involves the fractionation of the DNA by passing the DNA through a matrix, such.
Irradiation of Tissues: A Method of Improving Results of Radiation Therapy.. During the irradiation the desiccant is rotated with a speed of. To make a continuous adsorption of the liquid sample in the column,. will act as an extra fractionation step.
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