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Fax4j Crack+ [Mac/Win]

fax4j Free Download is a library that enables Java developers to make use of the various Fax services that are offered by the
different providers.  This library relies heavily on well established Java standards, such as JNDI, EJB, and
JAX-WS, which in turn allows the Java application to communicate efficiently with these services. fax4j can
be embedded in a Java application to leverage the existing infrastructure and can also be used as a component
of a Java program (such as a servlet or a J2EE Web application).
If you do not already have access to a fax server, you should consider using the fax4j client for Windows. 
The fax4j client is a client that communicates with the fax server and allows you to send and receive faxes in
the same way that you would using a standard email client, but in this case using the fax API that is provided by
Fax4J.  Moreover, the fax4j client allows you to attach files and images to fax messages, as well as attach files
and images to email messages.  fax4j is built on top of the com.hylafax.client.fax.HylaFax library, which in
turn is built on top of the gnu-hylafax library. The library is optimized to be used on low-end machines (like
those running on G3 PowerPcs and 486s).
The fax4j library is open source, and is distributed under the GNU Public License version 2. The source code
is available at:

The following pages describe how to use fax4j in your project:

To run the samples in this book, it is necessary to have the following software installed:
· Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.3.0 or later (For all of the sample applications, the JDK must be
installed as the directory where the executable is run must be in the PATH environment variable.)
· Windows NT or higher operating system (For all of the sample applications, the operating system must be
at least Windows 2000 or Windows XP)
· An Fax Client such as hylafax (For all of the sample applications, a windows compatible fax client
such as

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The fax4j library is a Java library which provides easy to use APIs for running a fax machine. 
The fax4j library provides the fax bridge API which allows to transform mail servers, web servers, and other processes into an online fax service.
The fax4j library also provides different APIs for simplifying different fax activities like sending a fax, receiving a fax, receiving and sending faxes, reading faxes, and so on.
Examples for using the fax4j library:
The following example shows the way how to send a fax using the fax4j library:
Client client = ClientFactory.getDefaultClient();
client.sendFax(“”, “”);
The following example shows the way how to receive a fax using the fax4j library:
Client client = ClientFactory.getDefaultClient();
ByteArrayDataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(“”, “application/octet-stream”);
FileDataSource source = new FileDataSource(dataSource);
client.receiveFax(“”, source);
The following example shows the way how to send a faxes using the fax4j library. The parameter “from” means to which email addresses the faxes is sent from.
Client client = ClientFactory.getDefaultClient();
ClientContext context = client.getClientContext();
context.setAttribute(“fax4j.from”, “mail-address”);
context.setAttribute(“fax4j.password”, “pwd”);
List attachments = new ArrayList();
attachments.add(new Attachment(“”, “application/octet-stream”));
client.sendFax(“”, context);
The following example shows the way how to receive faxes using the fax4j library.
Client client = ClientFactory.getDefaultClient();
ClientContext context = client.getClientContext();
FileDataSource dataSource = new FileDataSource(
“”, “application/octet-stream”);
client.receiveFax(“”, dataSource);
The following example shows the way how to read a fax using the fax4j library.
Client client = ClientFactory.getDefaultClient();
ClientContext context

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Apache-licensed open source software, licensed under the GNU GPL V2 license.
The fax4j library is a complete implementation of the RFC 2282 with T.38 and/or S.100 fax protocols implemented for various digital and analog fax machine vendors including  Fujitsu, Samsung, and many more.
All fax server and client functionality are implemented with the same API layer. The fax4j library can be used to integrate  the fax server functionality to a Java application.
The fax4j library is highly portable and will work on a wide range of x86, x86-64 Linux and Windows platforms.
New (revised) library website:

For more information, visit:

Developed by:
Author: omir aka Enno Heikkinen
Design: karens@nevada.edu
This library is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL)
if (ret > 0)
if (m_rect.X < m_rect.Width) m_rect.X = 0; else m_rect.Width = ret; } //m_scrBmp.Width = m_rect.Right - m_rect.Left; m_scrBmp.Height = m_rect.Bottom - m_rect.Top; m_scrBmp.Canvas

What’s New In Fax4j?

fax4j provides an easy to use API for sending faxes through a broad range of fax services and methods. fax4j is built on top of fax/tapi api code from windows and the gnu-hylafax library. By introducing this library, the fax4j library allows the developer to easily integrate fax functionality into their application without having to touch any fax related code or infrastructure. The fax4j library is especially useful if you have a Java application that you want to integrate with fax services and does not have a fax service directly.
The fax4j library implements the following fax methods:
– Start document transfer (sends fax from a file in memory). The API can be used to bind the fax action to button on the UI or other actions
– Set the paper size
– Control the capabilities of the fax API. e.g. allow or disallow duplex printing, control the print queue size
– Cancel document transfer
– Override the default paper size to a different size. (in pixels).

fax4j and the fax4j library are completely free and do not require any pre-payment.

How to use fax4j

Usage Overview:

· If you don’t have access to the fax server, you can start the fax4j library directly with a java application and use the fax API’s setup function to connect to the server.

· If you have access to the fax server, you can pass either the address of the fax server or the server’s port number.

For more information, please refer to the document below:



· The fax4j library is supplied as a JAR file. It contains all the needed dependencies like the fax/tapi, hylafax and the fax4j classes.

· In order to use fax4j, you will have to compile your own Java application including the fax4j library.

· In this application, you can use the static setup method provided by the fax4j library in order to set the fax parameters for the fax service provider.

· If your program uses local resources, such as files, you can use the static setPaperSize method provided by fax4j to set


System Requirements For Fax4j:

OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit (Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 are not supported)
Processor: Intel Core i3/i5/i7 2.8 GHz or AMD equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Memory: 8 GB RAM





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