Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi Meaning Of 44


Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi: The Ultimate State of Consciousness and Its Connection to 44

If you are interested in spirituality and mysticism, you may have heard of the term Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi. But what does it mean and why is it related to the number 44? In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of this concept and how it can help you achieve a higher level of awareness and bliss.

What is Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi?

Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi is a Sanskrit term that can be translated as “the one who enjoys the supreme bliss of the single chakra”. It refers to a state of consciousness where one has transcended the limitations of the physical body and the mind and has merged with the supreme reality. According to some sources, Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi is also the name of a powerful yogi who attained this state and became immortal.

What is the single chakra?

The single chakra is the Sahasrara chakra, also known as the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. It is the highest of the seven main chakras in the human body, and it represents the connection to the divine source. The Sahasrara chakra is associated with pure consciousness, enlightenment, wisdom, and bliss.

What is the significance of 44?

The number 44 has various meanings in different contexts, but in relation to Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi, it could symbolize several things. One possible interpretation is that 44 represents the number of petals in the Sahasrara chakra, which are said to correspond to the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet minus six vowels. Another possible interpretation is that 44 represents the number of sounds or vibrations that emanate from the Sahasrara chakra, which are said to create all forms of existence. A third possible interpretation is that 44 represents the number of qualities or attributes that one attains when one reaches Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi, such as omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, omnibenevolence, etc.

What are the benefits of Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi?

According to some sources, Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi is not only a state of consciousness but also a way of life that can bring many benefits to the practitioner. Some of these benefits are:

  • It enhances the physical and mental health by balancing the energy flow in the body and mind.
  • It increases the awareness and intuition by opening the third eye and connecting to the higher self.
  • It develops the spiritual qualities of love, compassion, and empathy by activating the heart chakra and expanding the consciousness.
  • It grants the power and confidence to manifest one’s desires and intentions by aligning with the divine will and source.
  • It bestows the bliss and peace that surpasses all understanding by transcending the duality and illusion of the world.

How to achieve Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as different traditions and schools of thought may have different methods and practices to attain Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi. However, some common elements that are often mentioned are:

  • The practice of Shri Vidya, which is a form of tantric worship that involves the use of mantras, yantras, and rituals to invoke the supreme mother goddess Shri Lalita Tripura Sundari.
  • The activation and alignment of the seven chakras, especially the Sahasrara chakra, which is the gateway to the supreme reality.
  • The cultivation of detachment, devotion, and surrender to the divine will and source.
  • The development of concentration, meditation, and intuition to access the inner vision and insight.
  • The realization of one’s true nature as pure consciousness and bliss.

These are some of the possible ways to achieve Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi, but they are not exhaustive or exclusive. Ultimately, Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi is a grace and a gift from the supreme reality that can be bestowed upon anyone who is sincere, humble, and ready to receive it.

What is Shri Vidya?

Shri Vidya is one of the most comprehensive and popular forms of tantric worship that involves the use of mantras, yantras, and rituals to invoke the supreme mother goddess Shri Lalita Tripura Sundari. Shri Vidya means “auspicious wisdom” or “divine knowledge”. It is based on the philosophy that the ultimate reality is the supreme feminine power, Shakti, who manifests as the entire creation.

Shri Vidya has two main aspects: Samaya and Kaula. Samaya is the inner path that focuses on meditation and contemplation of the goddess within. Kaula is the outer path that involves external worship and practices such as puja, homa, nyasa, etc. Both paths aim at attaining union with the goddess and realizing one’s true nature as pure consciousness and bliss.

Shri Vidya has various levels of initiation and practice, depending on the lineage and tradition. The core practice of Shri Vidya is the worship of Shri Chakra or Maha Meru, which is the geometric representation of the goddess and her abode. The Shri Chakra consists of nine interlocking triangles that form 43 smaller triangles, each representing a different aspect of the goddess. The central point or bindu represents the supreme reality or Parabrahman.

Shri Vidya also has various mantras or sacred formulas that are used to invoke and communicate with the goddess. The most important mantra is the Panchadashi mantra, which consists of 15 syllables that correspond to the 15 lunar phases or tithis. The Panchadashi mantra can be further expanded into the Shodashi mantra, which adds one more syllable and represents the 16th tithi or Amavasya.

Shri Vidya is a highly revered and sophisticated system of spiritual development that requires guidance from a qualified guru and adherence to strict rules and ethics. It is not meant for everyone, but only for those who have a sincere devotion and aspiration for the goddess and her grace.

What is Panchadashi mantra?

Panchadashi mantra is the most important mantra of Shri Vidya, which consists of fifteen syllables that correspond to the fifteen lunar phases or tithis. It is the mantra that invokes and connects to the goddess Shri Lalita Tripura Sundari, who is the supreme mother of the universe.

Panchadashi mantra is composed of three segments or kutas, each representing a different aspect of the goddess and her power. The first kuta is vāgbhava kuta, which consists of five syllables: ka-e-ī-la-hrīṁ. This kuta represents the face of the goddess and her jnana shakti or power of knowledge. It also represents the fire element and the agni chakra.

The second kuta is kāmarāja kuta or madhya kuta, which consists of six syllables: ha-sa-ka-ha-la-hrīṁ. This kuta represents the torso of the goddess and her iccha shakti or power of will. It also represents the sun element and the surya chakra.

The third kuta is śakti kuta, which consists of four syllables: sa-ka-la-hrīṁ. This kuta represents the lower part of the goddess and her kriya shakti or power of action. It also represents the moon element and the soma chakra.

Panchadashi mantra is a very powerful mantra that bestows various benefits to the practitioner, such as health, wealth, fame, power, bliss, and liberation. It also helps to activate and align the chakras and awaken the kundalini shakti. However, it requires proper initiation and guidance from a qualified guru and adherence to strict rules and ethics. It is not meant for everyone, but only for those who have a sincere devotion and aspiration for the goddess and her grace.

What are the chakras and kundalini?

The chakras are the energy centers or wheels of the human body, according to the yogic sciences. There are seven main chakras that are aligned along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head. Each chakra corresponds to a different aspect of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The chakras are also associated with different elements, colors, sounds, and symbols.

The kundalini is the primal energy or life force that lies dormant at the base of the spine, in the root chakra. It is often depicted as a coiled serpent or a circular fire. The kundalini is the feminine divine power or the manifestation of Shakti, the goddess. The kundalini yoga is a spiritual practice that aims to awaken and raise the kundalini energy through the other chakras, up to the third eye or Ajna chakra, or the crown or Sahasrara chakra.

The kundalini energy flows through two main channels or nadis along the spine: ida and pingala. Ida is the left channel that represents the moon, femininity, intuition, and cooling energy. Pingala is the right channel that represents the sun, masculinity, logic, and heating energy. The two channels cross each other at each chakra, creating a balance between opposite forces. The central channel or sushumna is where the kundalini energy rises when both ida and pingala are harmonized.

The awakening and rising of the kundalini energy can have various effects on the practitioner, such as physical sensations, emotional changes, psychic experiences, and spiritual insights. It can also lead to various benefits, such as enhanced health, vitality, creativity, awareness, bliss, and liberation. However, it can also cause some challenges, such as discomfort, confusion, instability, or imbalance. Therefore, it requires proper guidance and preparation from a qualified guru and adherence to strict rules and ethics.

How to awaken and raise the kundalini energy?

There are different ways to awaken and raise the kundalini energy, depending on the level of preparation and guidance of the practitioner. Some of the common methods are:

  • Yoga: Yoga is a physical and mental discipline that involves various postures, movements, breathing techniques, and meditation. Yoga can help to balance and align the chakras, clear the nadis, and stimulate the kundalini energy at the base of the spine. Some specific forms of yoga, such as kundalini yoga, hatha yoga, and tantra yoga, are designed to awaken and raise the kundalini energy through specific sequences and practices.
  • Meditation: Meditation is a mental practice that involves focusing the attention on a single object, sound, sensation, or thought. Meditation can help to calm the mind, increase awareness, and access higher states of consciousness. Some specific forms of meditation, such as kundalini meditation, chakra meditation, mantra meditation, and visualization meditation, are designed to awaken and raise the kundalini energy through specific techniques and tools.
  • Breathwork: Breathwork is a practice that involves controlling and manipulating the breath for various purposes. Breathwork can help to regulate the nervous system, oxygenate the blood, and activate the prana or life force. Some specific forms of breathwork, such as pranayama, kapalabhati, bhastrika, and kumbhaka, are designed to awaken and raise the kundalini energy through specific patterns and rhythms of breathing.
  • Mantra: Mantra is a practice that involves chanting or repeating a sacred sound or formula for various purposes. Mantra can help to purify the mind, harmonize the vibrations, and invoke the divine presence. Some specific mantras, such as om , soham , hamsa , and panchadashi , are designed to awaken and raise the kundalini energy through specific syllables and meanings.

These are some of the possible ways to awaken and raise the kundalini energy, but they are not exhaustive or exclusive. Ultimately, awakening and raising the kundalini energy is a grace and a gift from the supreme reality that can be bestowed upon anyone who is sincere, humble, and ready to receive it.


In this article, we have explored the meaning and significance of Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi, the ultimate state of consciousness and bliss that is related to the number 44. We have also learned about the concept of Shri Vidya, the comprehensive and popular form of tantric worship that involves the use of mantras, yantras, and rituals to invoke the supreme mother goddess Shri Lalita Tripura Sundari. We have also learned about the concept of chakras and kundalini, the energy centers and the primal energy of the human body, according to the yogic sciences. We have also learned about some of the methods and practices to awaken and raise the kundalini energy, such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, and mantra.

We hope that this article has given you some insight and inspiration to explore more about these topics and to experience the grace and bliss of Eka Chakra Maha Bhogi. Remember that this is not something that can be achieved by mere effort or desire, but by surrender and devotion to the divine will and source. May you be blessed with peace, love, and joy.



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