Download – Tally Erp

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Download – Tally ERP A Complete Guide

If you are looking for a reliable and easy-to-use accounting, GST, inventory, and payroll software for your business, you might have heard of Tally ERP 9. Tally ERP 9 is one of the most popular and widely used software in India and across the world. But what is Tally ERP 9, and how can you download and use it for your business? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will also show you how to upgrade to TallyPrime, the latest version of Tally that offers more features and benefits.

What is Tally ERP 9?

Tally ERP 9 is a complete business management software that helps you manage your accounting, GST, inventory, and payroll needs. It is designed for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that need a simple and flexible solution to run their business efficiently. Tally ERP 9 is developed by Tally Solutions, a leading software company in India that has been in the industry for over three decades.

Features and benefits of Tally ERP 9

Some of the features and benefits of Tally ERP 9 are:

  • It supports multiple languages, currencies, and tax regimes.
  • It allows you to create invoices, vouchers, ledgers, journals, and other documents with ease.
  • It helps you comply with GST laws and file GST returns online.
  • It enables you to manage your inventory with stock items, groups, categories, units, and godowns.
  • It automates your payroll processing with salary components, attendance, leaves, loans, advances, and statutory deductions.
  • It generates various reports and statements such as balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement, trial balance, stock summary, GST reports, payroll reports, and more.
  • It allows you to customize your software with user-defined fields, functions, reports, and security levels.
  • It integrates with other applications such as Microsoft Excel, email clients, SMS services, etc.

How to download and install Tally ERP 9

To download and install Tally ERP 9 on your computer, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of Tally Solutions and click on the Download button.
  2. Select the version of Tally ERP 9 that suits your needs. You can choose between Release 6.6.3 (the latest release) or Release 6.4.8 (the previous release).
  3. Click on the Download button again and save the file on your computer.
  4. Run the setup file and follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. Enter the serial number and activation key that you received from Tally Solutions or your authorized partner.
  6. Activate your license online or offline as per your preference.
  7. Start using Tally ERP 9 for your business.

How to use Tally ERP 9 for accounting, GST, inventory, and payroll

Once you have downloaded and installed Tally ERP 9 on your computer, you can start using it for your business. Here are some of the basic steps that you need to follow:

How to create a company in Tally ERP 9

The first step to use Tally ERP 9 is to create a company in the software. A company is a unit of data that contains all the information related to your business. To create a company in Tally ERP 9, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Tally ERP 9 and select Create Company from the Gateway of Tally menu.
  2. Enter the basic details of your company such as name, address, contact number, email, financial year, etc.
  3. Select the country, state, and GSTIN of your company. If you are not registered under GST, you can skip this step.
  4. Enter the base currency symbol and formal name of your company. The default currency is Indian Rupee (₹).
  5. Enter the security control details such as password, TallyVault password, and administrator details. This is optional but recommended for data security.
  6. Press Enter to save the company creation screen.
  7. Your company is now created and ready to use in Tally ERP 9.

How to record transactions in Tally ERP 9

The next step to use Tally ERP 9 is to record the transactions of your business. Transactions are the events that affect the financial position of your business. For example, sales, purchases, payments, receipts, etc. To record transactions in Tally ERP 9, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the company that you want to work with from the Select Company screen.
  2. Select Accounting Vouchers or Inventory Vouchers from the Gateway of Tally menu depending on the type of transaction you want to record.
  3. Select the appropriate voucher type from the list of vouchers available. For example, sales voucher, purchase voucher, payment voucher, receipt voucher, etc.
  4. Enter the date, reference number, party name, ledger accounts, amounts, narration, and other details of the transaction.
  5. Press Enter to save the voucher entry screen.
  6. Your transaction is now recorded and posted to the respective ledgers in Tally ERP 9.

How to generate reports and statements in Tally ERP 9

The final step to use Tally ERP 9 is to generate reports and statements that show the financial performance and position of your business. Reports and statements are the outputs of the data that you have entered in Tally ERP 9. They help you analyze your business performance and make informed decisions. To generate reports and statements in Tally ERP 9, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select Display from the Gateway of Tally menu.
  2. Select the category of reports that you want to view. For example, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Stock Summary, GST Reports, Payroll Reports, etc.
  3. Select the specific report that you want to view from the list of reports available under each category.
  4. You can change the period, format, options, and filters of the report as per your requirement.
  5. You can print or export the report to various formats such as PDF, Excel, XML, etc.
  6. You can also drill down to view the details of any ledger account or voucher from any report.

How to upgrade to TallyPrime, the latest version of Tally

If you are using Tally ERP 9 and want to enjoy more features and benefits, you can upgrade to TallyPrime, the latest version of Tally that was launched in November 2020. TallyPrime is a more powerful and user-friendly software that offers a better user experience and business efficiency. To upgrade to TallyPrime from Tally ERP 9, you need to follow these steps:

What is new in TallyPrime

Some of the new features and benefits of TallyPrime are:

  • It has a new look and feel with a simplified user interface and navigation.
  • It has a new Go To feature that allows you to access any report or function from anywhere in the software with a single click.
  • It has a new Top Bar that shows you important information such as company name, period, user name, date, etc. at all times.
  • It has a new Change Mode feature that allows you to switch between different modes such as voucher mode, report mode, alteration mode, etc. with ease.
  • It has a new Browser Reports feature that allows you to view reports on any device such as laptop, tablet, or mobile through a web browser.
  • It has enhanced GST features that make GST compliance easier and faster.
  • It has improved performance and speed with faster data processing and loading.
  • It has more security and data protection features such as data backup, encryption, and audit trail.
  • It has more customization and integration capabilities with Tally Developer, Tally Marketplace, and Tally Connector.

How to download and activate TallyPrime

To download and activate TallyPrime on your computer, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of Tally Solutions and click on the Download button.
  2. Select the version of TallyPrime that suits your needs. You can choose between Release 1.1.5 (the latest release) or Release 1.0 (the previous release).
  3. Click on the Download button again and save the file on your computer.
  4. Run the setup file and follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. Enter the serial number and activation key that you received from Tally Solutions or your authorized partner.
  6. Activate your license online or offline as per your preference.
  7. Start using TallyPrime for your business.

How to migrate data from Tally ERP 9 to TallyPrime

If you have existing data in Tally ERP 9 and want to use it in TallyPrime, you need to migrate your data from Tally ERP 9 to TallyPrime. This is a simple and automatic process that does not require any manual intervention. To migrate data from Tally ERP 9 to TallyPrime, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open TallyPrime and select Migrate Data from the Gateway of Tally menu.
  2. Select the option to migrate data from Tally ERP 9 to TallyPrime.
  3. Select the source folder where your Tally ERP 9 data is stored.
  4. Select the destination folder where you want to store your TallyPrime data.
  5. Select the companies that you want to migrate from the list of companies available in the source folder.
  6. Click on Start Migration to begin the migration process.
  7. Wait for the migration process to complete. You can view the migration status and log on the screen.
  8. Your data is now migrated from Tally ERP 9 to TallyPrime and ready to use.


Tally ERP 9 is a complete business management software that helps you manage your accounting, GST, inventory, and payroll needs. It is easy to download, install, and use for your business. However, if you want to enjoy more features and benefits, you can upgrade to TallyPrime, the latest version of Tally that offers a better user experience and business efficiency. You can also migrate your existing data from Tally ERP 9 to TallyPrime without any hassle. Whether you choose Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime, you can be assured of a reliable and trusted software that will help you grow your business.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about downloading – tally erp

Q: How much does it cost to download and use Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime?

A: The cost of downloading and using Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime depends on the edition and license type that you choose. There are two editions available: Silver (single user) and Gold (multi-user). There are also two license types available: Rental (monthly or yearly) and Perpetual (one-time). You can check the latest prices on the official website of Tally Solutions.

Q: How can I get support for Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime?

A: You can get support for Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime from various sources such as:

  • The official website of Tally Solutions, where you can find user manuals, videos, blogs, webinars, FAQs, etc.
  • The online help feature in the software, where you can access context-sensitive help for any screen or function.
  • The toll-free number 1800-425-8859, where you can speak to a customer care executive for any queries or issues.
  • The authorized partners of Tally Solutions, where you can get local support and training for your software.

Q: How can I update

Q: How can I update my Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime software to the latest release?

A: You can update your Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime software to the latest release by following these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of Tally Solutions and click on the Download button.
  2. Select the version of Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime that you are currently using and click on the Update button.
  3. Save the file on your computer and run it.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen and complete the update process.
  5. Restart your software and enjoy the new features and enhancements.

Q: How can I backup and restore my data in Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime?

A: You can backup and restore your data in Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime by following these steps:

  1. Select Backup from the Gateway of Tally menu.
  2. Select the source folder where your data is stored and the destination folder where you want to store the backup file.
  3. Select the companies that you want to backup from the list of companies available in the source folder.
  4. Click on Backup to start the backup process.
  5. To restore your data, select Restore from the Gateway of Tally menu.
  6. Select the source folder where your backup file is stored and the destination folder where you want to restore your data.
  7. Select the companies that you want to restore from the list of companies available in the backup file.
  8. Click on Restore to start the restore process.

Q: How can I connect my Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime software with other applications?

A: You can connect your Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime software with other applications by using various tools and services such as:

  • Tally Developer, which is a development platform that allows you to create custom solutions and extensions for your software.
  • Tally Marketplace, which is an online store that offers various ready-made solutions and add-ons for your software.
  • Tally Connector, which is a middleware that enables data exchange between your software and other applications such as CRM, ERP, e-commerce, etc.


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