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# **Online Photo Editors
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In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use Photoshop Elements to edit images, create memes, rip custom emoji from images, create a new style for an image and a brand new high-quality image from scratch. This Photoshop tutorial is based on version 11.0, but will still work for previous versions.
Get Photoshop Elements from here.
The process of creating memes with Photoshop Elements is actually a little different than most other image editing tasks, so we’ll start this Photoshop tutorial with an overview of the process.
To learn how to use Photoshop Elements in general, check out this Photoshop tutorial.
How to Create Memes with Photoshop Elements.
When we take an image and make it into a meme, we usually start by making two copies of the image, one with the original colors, and one with the colors we want to use. Then, we use one of two methods to make the image into a meme.
We can either remove some parts of the image using some kind of mask, or we can simply overwrite the whole image with the colors we want. Both methods have their uses, so it really depends on what the end result is, what kind of meme you want to make and what you feel comfortable with.
Method #1 – Remove image parts using a mask
This is probably the easiest method.
This is probably the easiest method. The easy way is using a mask.
The easy way is using a mask. A mask is basically a black line that hides the original image you want to remove.
You can create a mask of any color and size you want.
When you select a mask-type object, the “magic” happens.
You see this.
You see this. And voilá, you now have an image with the original image on the bottom, and the rest of it is only transparent. (This part depends on your Photoshop version.)
When you’re done, you just go to edit→apply and reset.
You can also draw the outline of your “mask” by clicking the Edit→Paths.
This next part only works in Photoshop CS6 and newer.
This next part only works in Photoshop CS6 and newer. Back in older versions, you’d have to click the Edit→Masks or Edit→Paintbrush tool.
In either case you’d have to create a new layer with the size you want and set the
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Street Style: The Week Of Ocotober 14-18
It’s Ocotober, which means sweater weather and high style oozes from sidewalks and streets. Here’s just a smattering of the gorgeous looks from the last week.
Glitz all over the case — the velvet crown necklace (top) is available at Opening Ceremony while the ‘80s-tastic display below came from a street vendor in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood. (Courtesy of Stacy Powell)
A panoramic view of another floor of the Park Avenue shop window (top) which is part of its holiday decor. (Courtesy of Vanessa Sy)
Stunning without being too saucy (judging by the vintage gold dress at top) … and dressed to kill. (Courtesy of Stacy Powell)#!/bin/bash
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What’s New in the Kyle Brush Photoshop Download?
rect(click or hold on the image to see the brush settings)
➀ Foreground Color: Green
➁ Background Color: Black
➂ Density: Firm (thick, uniform or fine)
➃ Scaling: 0% (for “amount”) or 0.25x (for “stretch”), or 1x (for “scale”)
➄ Feather: 0 pixels (for amount) or 3 pixels (for stretch)
➅ Blending: 0% (for “amt/spread”)
➇ Repeat: 1x, 3x, 10x or 100x
➈ Soften: ➇ Size: 0.6 or 0.1
➉ Midpoint: Set starting point for all points.
Figure 7-15. Rectangle brush settings
New in CS5, the Pen tool lets you create and edit lines and curves by pen pressure instead of clicking and dragging.
## Tool Presets
Each of the tools in the toolbox have their own settings that you can personalize. In order to create such presets, you need to first save the settings for each tool in a separate file. The files can be located within Photoshop in the current Photoshop directory ( _~/Users/[yourusername]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Photoshop CS5/Presets_ ) or elsewhere on your computer.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the default value of any of these pre-set brush settings. Nevertheless, you can use the **.def** files to change them while retaining other tool settings.
## Adding New Presets
Each of the tools in the toolbox has several files created by Adobe to help you save and use brush settings. The files are stored under the directory _[your username]_ within the Photoshop folder _Applications Support_ (see Figure 7-16) in the file structure:
**Figure 7-16.** The tools inside the Adobe app folder where the.grip files are located are the Bristle, Eraser, Watercolor, Watercolor Pen, and Pencil
System Requirements:
Mac OS X 10.6 or later
Intel or AMD processor
NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or later video card
7 GB of free disk space
DirectX® 9.0c compatible video card
128 MB Video RAM required on ATI video cards
Sound card compatible with DirectSound
Recommended Video Driver: Intel® 9.1
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Click the download button to save the client to your computer.
Install RetroMUD as follows: