Complete Guide To Shodan Pdf 13

# Complete Guide to Shodan PDF 13: How to Use the Search Engine for the Internet of Things

Shodan is a unique search engine that lets you find and explore devices that are connected to the Internet, such as webcams, routers, servers, printers, smart TVs, and more. Shodan can help you discover the hidden world of the Internet of Things (IoT), monitor your network exposure, learn about the technology that powers the web, and find vulnerabilities and exploits.

But how do you use Shodan effectively? How do you find what you are looking for and make sense of the results? How do you leverage Shodan’s features and tools to enhance your security and intelligence?

In this PDF guide, we will show you how to use Shodan in 13 easy steps. We will cover the basics of Shodan, how to perform advanced searches, how to use filters and facets, how to access different services and products, and how to integrate Shodan with other tools. By the end of this guide, you will be able to use Shodan like a pro and get the most out of this powerful platform.

## Step 1: Create a Free Account

The first step to use Shodan is to create a free account on the website. This will give you access to some basic features and services, such as:

– Searching up to 10 results per page
– Viewing up to 50 results per query
– Using up to 10 filters per query
– Accessing the web interface, browser plugins, and developer API
– Using Shodan Monitor, Maps, Images, Snippets, and Trends

To create a free account, go to and click on the “Sign Up Now” button. You will need to provide a valid email address and a password. You will also need to verify your email address by clicking on the link that Shodan will send you.

## Step 2: Upgrade Your Account (Optional)

If you want to unlock more features and services, you can upgrade your account to a paid membership or an API subscription. This will give you access to:

– Searching up to 100 results per page
– Viewing up to 10,000 results per query
– Using unlimited filters per query
– Accessing the InternetDB API and the GeoNet API
– Using Shodan Exploits and the Internet Exposure Observatory
– Downloading bulk data and historical data
– Streaming data in real-time

To upgrade your account, go to and choose the plan that suits your needs. You can pay with a credit card or PayPal. You can also cancel your subscription at any time.

## Step 3: Learn the Basic Syntax

The next step to use Shodan is to learn the basic syntax of the search engine. Shodan uses a simple and intuitive syntax that allows you to search for various attributes of devices, such as:

– IP address or hostname
– Port number or service name
– Operating system or device type
– Country or city name
– Organization or ISP name
– Keyword or phrase

To search for an attribute,
you simply type it in the search box. For example,
you want
to find devices running Windows in Germany,
can type:

`Windows Germany`

You can also use quotation marks to search for an exact match. For example,
you want
to find devices with the phrase “Welcome to” in their banner,
can type:

`”Welcome to”`

You can also use boolean operators (AND,
NOT) to combine multiple attributes. For example,
you want
to find devices running Linux or FreeBSD in Canada or Mexico,
can type:

`(Linux OR FreeBSD) AND (Canada OR Mexico)`

You can also use parentheses to group attributes and control the order of operations. For example,
you want
to find devices running Apache or Nginx that are not in China or Russia,
can type:

`(Apache OR Nginx) NOT (China OR Russia)`

## Step 4: Use Filters and Facets

One of the most powerful features of Shodan is the ability to use filters and facets. Filters allow you to narrow down your search results by specifying certain criteria. Facets allow you to group your search results by certain categories.

To use a filter,
you simply add it after your query with a colon and a value. For example,
you want
to find devices running Apache on port 80 in France,
can type:

`Apache port:80 country:FR`

You can use multiple filters in one query by separating them with a space. For example,
you want
to find devices running Linux with SSH open in Japan that belong to SoftBank Corp.,
can type:

`Linux ssh port:22 country:JP org:”SoftBank Corp.”`

You can also use ranges or lists for some filters by using brackets or commas. For example,
you want
to find devices with open ports between 20 and 30 in Brazil or Argentina,
can type:

`port:[20 TO 30] country:BR,AR`

To use a facet,
you simply add it after your query with a slash and a name. For example,
you want
to group your results by operating system,
can type:

`/ os`

You can use multiple facets in one query by separating them with commas. For example,
you want
to group your results by operating system and device type,
can type:

`/ os,

You can also specify how many values you want for each facet by adding a number after the name. For example,
you want
to see only the top 5 values for each facet,
can type:

`/ os:5,

Shodan supports many filters and facets for different attributes of devices. You can find a complete list of them on

## Step 5: Access Different Services and Products

Shodan offers more than just a web interface for searching devices. It also provides various services and products that allow you to access different aspects of the platform. Some of these are:

– Browser Plugins: These are extensions for Chrome and Firefox that let you see a quick view of a website’s security by using Shodan.
– Developer API: This is an interface that lets you programmatically access all aspects of the platform (crawling,
IP lookups,
data streaming) using various languages and frameworks.
– InternetDB API: This is an interface that lets you quickly see the open ports for an IP address.
– GeoNet API: This is an interface that lets you run common network tools from servers that are located around the world.
– Shodan Monitor: This is a service that lets you keep track of all your devices that are directly accessible from the Internet.
– Shodan Maps: This is a service that lets you explore the world of Internet-connected devices using a map.
– Shodan Images: This is a service that lets you browse screenshots for many different services.
– Shodan Snippets: This is a service that lets you see snippets of code or text from various services.
– Shodan Trends: This is a service that lets you see historical data and trends across the Internet.
– Shodan Exploits: This is a service that lets you search for actual exploits based on what’s available in ExploitDB and Metasploit.
– Internet Exposure Observatory: This is a service that lets you see how secure is your country based on the services that are exposed.

You can access these services and products from

## Step 6: Use Advanced Search Techniques

Shodan allows


You can learn more about regular expressions on

– Data Streaming: This is a feature that lets you stream data in real-time from Shodan’s crawlers. You can use it with the `stream` command followed by one or more filters. For example,
you want
to stream data from devices running Linux in Germany,
can type:

`stream Linux country:DE`

You can also use wildcards (*) for filters if
you want
to stream data from all values. For example,
you want
to stream data from all countries,
can type:

`stream country:*`

You can learn more about data streaming on

– Download Bulk Data: This is a feature that lets you download large amounts of data from Shodan’s database. You can use it with the `download` command followed by a query and a filename. For example,
you want
to download data for all devices running Apache in France,
can type:

`download Apache country:FR apache-fr.json.gz`

You can also specify a limit for the number of results to download by adding a number after the filename. For example,
you want
to download only 100 results,
can type:

`download Apache country:FR apache-fr.json.gz 100`

You can learn more about downloading bulk data on

## Step 7: Integrate Shodan with Other Tools

Shodan can be integrated with other tools to enhance your security and intelligence capabilities. Some of these are:

– Nmap: This is a popular network scanning and enumeration tool that can use Shodan as a source of target IP addresses. You can use it with the `–script shodan-api` option followed by your Shodan API key and a query. For example,
you want
to scan devices running MySQL in India with Nmap,
can type:

`nmap –script shodan-api –script-args ‘shodan-api.apikey=,shodan-api.query=”mysql country:IN”‘`

You can learn more about integrating Nmap with Shodan on

– Metasploit: This is a popular penetration testing and exploitation framework that can use Shodan as a source of target IP addresses and exploits. You can use it with the `shodan_search` auxiliary module followed by your Shodan API key and a query. For example,
you want
to search for devices running FTP in China with Metasploit,
can type:

`use auxiliary/gather/shodan_search`
`set QUERY “ftp country:CN”`

You can learn more about integrating Metasploit with Shodan on

– Maltego: This is a popular graphical analysis and investigation tool that can use Shodan as a source of information and intelligence. You can use it with the Shodan transforms that are available on For example,
you want
to find devices related to a domain name with Maltego,
can drag and drop the domain entity to the graph, right-click on it, and choose “Shodan” > “To Shodan Hosts”.

You can learn more about integrating Maltego with Shodan on

These are just some examples of tools that can be integrated with Shodan. There are many more tools that support Shodan’s API or data formats, such as Wireshark, Splunk, Censys, Recon-ng, SpiderFoot, and more.

## Conclusion

Shodan is a powerful search engine that lets you find and explore devices that are connected to the Internet. It can help you discover the hidden world of the Internet of Things (IoT), monitor your network exposure, learn about the technology that powers the web, and find vulnerabilities and exploits.

In this PDF guide, we have shown you how to use Shodan in 13 easy steps. We have covered the basics of Shodan, how to perform advanced searches, how to use filters and facets, how to access different services and products, and how to integrate Shodan with other tools.

We hope that this guide has helped you to master Shodan and get the most out of this powerful platform.

Shodan is a powerful search engine that lets you find and explore devices that are connected to the Internet. It can help you discover the hidden world of the Internet of Things (IoT), monitor your network exposure, learn about the technology that powers the web, and find vulnerabilities and exploits.

In this PDF guide, we have shown you how to use Shodan in 13 easy steps. We have covered the basics of Shodan, how to perform advanced searches, how to use filters and facets, how to access different services and products, and how to integrate Shodan with other tools.

We hope that this guide has helped you to master Shodan and get the most out of this powerful platform. If you want to learn more about Shodan, you can visit or check out the Shodan Help Center at You can also follow Shodan on Twitter at @shodanhq or join the Shodan community at

Thank you for reading this guide and happy hacking![v.%201.5%2014%20DLC]%20[Multi-2%20Free%20Download]


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