Como Configurar O Controle Do Xbox 360 No Dolphin [TOP]

Como Configurar O Controle Do Xbox 360 No Dolphin [TOP]


Como Configurar O Controle Do Xbox 360 No Dolphin

if you are new to linux and this seems overwhelming, don’t worry. start by checking the list of packages that already contains some of the functionality of xboxdrv. then read to learn more about how to interact with the xboxdrv kernel module. the xboxdrv package in aur or the xboxdrv package in dl might be the easiest to install.

you should not install drivers that come from windows only. always follow the instructions of the package you are installing. the xboxdrv kernel module is written in c and as such will work on any systems that supports the posix subsystem. it may work out-of-the-box on linux distributions, but you are advised to test it before installing.

the same configuration should also work for the xbox one controller. however, the kernel module cannot detect the presence of a xbox one controller on its own. you need to install xpad from aur or from dl and set the following values in the configuration file /etc/xpad.conf (you can copy a working configuration from /usr/share/xpad.conf).


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