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ComLog is a small, simple and easy-to-useMS-Windows utility for logging Online time by monitoring activity on a COM port. This program will only work on Windows 9x/ME
ComLog is a program for logging ‘online-time’. It simply monitors a specific COM port for any modem connection signals to enable and disable logging.
Make sure that the program (or a Shortcut to the program) is in your ‘Startup’ folder. This way, the program will automatically load whenever you startup Windows. When the program is active, it detects a connection and stores the connection time automatically.
Make sure that you have selected the right COM-port to monitor, or else the program will not work correctly. The ‘Activate On’ option specifies which modem signal should be used to enabled/disable logging.
The default setting is DCD (Data Carrier Detect). The total time of each session is added to the total time (which will be saved every time the program or Windows shuts down). You can auto reset the total time every Day, Month or year. You can also choose to reset the total time manually.







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•• ComLog is a small, simple and easy-to-use program for monitoring online time by monitoring activity on a COM port.
••This program will only work on Windows 9x/ME.
••Make sure that the program (or a Shortcut to the program) is in your ‘Startup’ folder. This way, the program will automatically load whenever you startup Windows. When the program is active, it detects a connection and stores the connection time automatically.
•• Make sure that you have selected the right COM-port to monitor, or else the program will not work correctly.
•The ‘Activate On’ option specifies which modem signal should be used to enabled/disable logging. The default setting is DCD (Data Carrier Detect).
•The ‘Startup Time’ specifies the time that the program will automatically detect a connection and store the connection time.
•The ‘Shutdown Time’ is used to automatically re-start the total time if the total time is to be re-set manually.
•The ‘Log every Active Session’ option is used to set the total time every time the program is loaded.
•The ‘Log every few Active Sessions’ option will automatically re-start the total time every day, every month or every year.
•The ‘Clear Log File’ option is used to remove all previous data from the Log File.
•Note: 1. By default the total time is not re-set when you turn the computer on. If you want it to be re-set on startup, make sure to select the ‘Activate On’ option.
•2. When the program or Windows shuts down, the total time will be cleared. To stop this, you can use the ‘Clear Log File’ option.
•3. If you’re not using the ‘Clear Log File’ option, the total time will keep adding up until the ‘Shutdown Time’ is reached.
•4. If the ‘Activate On’ option is set to not-DCD, the total time will keep adding up until the signal is received.
•5. The time detected by ComLog is the exact time that the modem is connected and disconnected. It will not detect the date or time

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* Automatic Online-time logging
* Save data to a text file
* Command Line options ( Auto-startup, Text-output, Log-file)
* Command Line options ( Reset-total-time, Reset-date-time, Time-to-reset)
* Check the status of all the settings
* Snapshot dialog when saving the log-file
* Pre-load modem from COM-port (if one is configured)
* Check auto-startup of this program and add the “program-name” to the Start-menu
* Allows you to use a shortcut to start the program
* Supports both the Swedish and English interface

Unzip into same folder as ComLog exe
Click the ‘Install’ button to install (or the ‘Uninstall’ button to uninstall)
This program is compatible with the following Windows operating systems:
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
You can find the terms of the GNU General Public License at:

You can find the terms of the GPL Version 2 in the ‘GPL-2.0-License.TXT’ file.
Where to get help
This program can log data from a specific COM-port. Please contact me if you have trouble logging data from a specific COM-port. I am not responsible if you miss my replies.
I am looking for help in:
* How to log data from a specific COM-port (is it possible?)
* How to add ‘n’ days to the last logged time (but keeping the last date)
* How to make the program auto-startup (recommended)
* How to download the firmware from a COM-port (recommended)
* How to automatically log data to the ‘program-name.log’ file

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Make sure you select the COM Port with a click on the ‘Activate On’ option.
This setting can be done by selecting ‘Modem Settings’ from the ‘Settings’ menu.
You can also use the ‘List all Ports’ option from the same menu.
Or you can use the ‘Display Details’ option from the ‘Settings’ menu, located next to the ‘Activate On’ option.
Alternatively, you can simply right-click on the ‘Activate On’ option and select ‘Activate On’.
If you have multiple serial ports you want to monitor, just press the ‘Start Multiple’ button on the main window to start multiple instances of ComLog.
This is useful when working with multiple serial ports because each instance will start its own monitoring session. If your computer goes to sleep, each instance will save the data it has just logged. Once you restart your computer, all the time which the different instances logged can be added up and used to track that session.
“ComLog” is simple program for logging your time by listening to a modem which has been connected to a COM-port on your computer.
There are no buttons to press and it only tracks online activity so no button presses are required.
You can use ComLog on any Windows that has COM ports, including Windows NT/2000, Windows 95/98/Me, Windows XP and Windows Vista.
If you have Windows XP SP2 or later, you can turn ComLog into a program that works with ONLINE Credentials (also known as TIME_AWARE_CREDENTIALS).
You simply right click on the ComLog shortcut and select the ‘Run…’ option on the shortcut menu and type’spoolss_timeaware’ into the ‘Program’ text box.
Then you can add the username and password by going back to the shortcut menu and selecting ‘Properties’ and then the ‘Compatibility’ tab. You will then see a dialog box that will allow you to enter the username and password.
You can also go to ‘Control Panel’, ‘Personal’ tab, ‘HomeGroup and Computers’ and ‘Change homegroup settings’ and turn on ‘Allow access to this computer from home’.
After that, you can run’spoolss_timeaware’ from the ‘Run…’ option on the shortcut menu and it will log your TIME_AWARE_CREDENTIALS credentials to the ‘Online.txt’ file.

What’s New in the?

– COM-log allows you to monitor a specific COM port for any modem connection signals to enable and disable logging.
– There are two separate Modes:
– “Log”: this will only enable log reading, the time when the connection is logged and the time when the log was written to the file.
– “Save to file”: this will enable log writing and the COM-log will save the last total time every time the program is closed.
– The default setting is DCD (Data Carrier Detect). The total time of each session is added to the total time (which will be saved every time the program or Windows shuts down). You can auto reset the total time every Day, Month or year. You can also choose to reset the total time manually.
– Press Ctrl+F11 to display the Options bar.
– Press ESC to close the Options bar.
– Press F5 to turn the Log/Save-to-file to ‘on’. You will receive a message prompt to enable or disable this feature.
– Press ESC to close the prompt.
– Press F5 to turn the “Log” to ‘on’. You will receive a message prompt to enable or disable this feature.
– Press ESC to close the prompt.
– Press Enter to start logging.
– Press F11 to display the Options bar.
– Press ESC to close the Options bar.
– Press the spacebar to close the Options bar when you need to click a button.
– Press CTRL+F11 to display the Options bar.
– Press ESC to close the Options bar.
– Press F5 to turn the “Log” to ‘on’. You will receive a message prompt to enable or disable this feature.
– Press ESC to close the prompt.
– Press the spacebar to close the Options bar when you need to click a button.
– Press CTRL+F11 to display the Options bar.
– Press ESC to close the Options bar.
– Press F5 to turn the “Log” to ‘off’. You will receive a message prompt to enable or disable this feature.
– Press ESC to close the prompt.
– Press the spacebar to close the Options bar when you need to click a button.
– Press ESC to exit COM Log.
– See Screen-shot.
– Program version History:
v1.2.2 – new options, time formats, Modem interface and file display

System Requirements:

1. 64bit Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1
2. 1 GB RAM (More RAM is highly recommended)
3. 100 MB of free HDD space
4. DirectX 9 graphics card with 128 MB of memory
5. HD video card that supports DirectX 9 and a graphics memory of at least 64 MB
6. DVD drive is highly recommended.
How to Install:
1. Download the patched file and save it to a folder of your choice.
2. Run theعجیب-وغریب/

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