Borderlands 2 Crack |BEST| Fix 1.0.3


Borderlands 2 Crack Fix 1.0.3

If the appeal of the digital loot-casino is in the prizes, Borderlands 2 is the floor manager sending a steady stream of free drinks and flirtatious waitresses to your table. The game hurls an objectively insane amount of crap at you: They bragged of 87 bazillion guns, and they’re not really kidding. Guns pop out of goddamn everything: enemies, friends, cars, toilets — powerful new god-items explode out of the faces of lizard-dogs and giant flies so frequently that the reward center of your brain simply runs out of dopamine and just starts firing whatever chemicals are left into your brain. Some guns will make you inexplicably sad: This one is objectively better, but I really liked my last one. I can’t stand to see it go… While some guns will just piss you off: I spent all my money buying the best gun in the game five minutes ago, and now I find something better in a frozen pile of alien ape-shit

The only reason you head out on most missions in the first place is for the promise of items, which the game shows you right below the story text. That’s your incentive for being out there in the badlands: The whole map is just a giant chest that you have to run across to open, and littered all around it are smaller chests that explode in showers of even tinier chests, all of which you open only to receive bullets for a gun you don’t have. But it doesn’t matter, because every once in a while, that random washing machine will contain a rare weapon, or a piece of Eridium (by far the game’s most valuable and rare currency, almost exclusively found in bullshit penny-ante containers). And so you will open every single one. The promise of what might be and the risk of missing it are two of the most compelling motivations for humanity, and Borderlands 2 spends every single second beating you in the face with both of them. The game makes you run so many gauntlets of worthless promises that I half suspect it’s all just some pretentious art student’s cutting metaphor for the broken American political system.

At its base, Borderlands 2 is an always-present, always-ready shooter. But Gearbox was smart enough to realize that while it was perfect at simply jumping into a map and blasting everyone, it was also just a brick with some holes in it. And so the game added the fourth main mission type: Escort. This section was where the looter-shooter aspects of the game kicked in, as you had to loot a specific item, and then escort that item across a map. But instead of just making your progress entirely linear and easy (like most escort missions), the game created a lot of challenges along the way. On top of that, it added some bonus loot just for doing escort missions, so that you didn’t just get one-of-a-kind items, you also got the satisfaction of actually getting one.
And then, of course, Gearbox could see that there were still mechanics to be added to the shooter gameplay. There were still challenges, including the ever-present “shooting everything” challenge that comes from simply being in a hurry to get to the next loot, and, of course, there were the loot-gathering challenges from the escorting: You had to be observant, you had to be smart, you had to be quick, and you had to be super sneaky (because all the guards were stupid and nearsighted). And then Gearbox took the game to the next level by also adding RPG elements. Weapon levels grew, you leveled your skills, and you had to be wary of which weapons got +stats and which didn’t, all while fighting through and surviving nearly impossible encounters against nearly impossible odds. By the end of the game, you’ve gone from a brick with a few holes, to a fully-rounded, complete product. And Gearbox shows how far they’re willing to take their shooter gameplay with their Tales from the Borderlands expansion, which plays like a combination of a full episode of a TV series, a standalone game, and a movie.

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