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Yes. Ok, you probably don’t have to hear this too often. If you were on a professional dating app, wouldn’t you still hope the person you’re hooking up with is looking for more than just one night of hot, hard sex? Like with any relationship, even those that are purely sexual, there’s a need for intimacy, and the right person can make it work. After all, if you’re constantly getting laid, who cares how many times you feel attached? You know that you’re comfortable enough to have sex with just about anyone. But if you’re with the wrong person, you’ll have to deal with consequences you could have avoided if you made it all the way to the end of the date.
At one point or another in our lives, every one of us will experience a sexually awkward, confusing, or downright horrible time. The thing is, you’re never immune to humiliation, no matter your age or your level of sexual experience. You could be totally cool with any given night and then suddenly meet someone and be in a totally different place, feeling vulnerable and anxious about how you’ll react or the things you’ll say.
If you feel that you might get sexually excited in the presence of a person you’re dating, you’re not alone. Given that the proximity of others during sex is generally taken for granted, most people have a very hard time regulating their arousal in the presence of a potential sexual partner. However, most often it’s not the presence of a potential partner that triggers our revved-up arousal; it’s the knowledge that we’re having sexual contact with someone new. Getting to know someone or being around someone new that you may find hot increases the chance that you’ll experience your first peak. If you’ve ever been to a bar or party and noticed that the small talk and companionship are all about strangers, you can probably imagine how awkward it might be to be flirting with someone you’re emotionally or sexually attached to. Yet given the rapidity at which we sometimes engage in sexual relationships, we can do a great deal of practicing being vulnerable with people we find attractive or sexy.
It’s all good. Sex, we learn from experience, is a pretty pleasant and immensely popular part of our lives — you don’t have to apologize for it. Before you head to the bar, start the night off by talking about something you’re both passionate about — so you feel like you’re sharing an equal amount of life experience. If you want to get sex done, then
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Getting laid at a club can be great fun. If you make the right connections, you’re likely to leave with a partner. And unless you end up in the back of a taxi home at 3am, there’s little risk of catching anything that could give you a nasty case of herpes or HPV. However, finding sex through the site of a club, or, is a different story. By its very nature, a club caters to people looking for something different. This is the kind of choice that we don’t always talk about. “The coarser an experience, the more people enjoy it,” says Dr Andrew Hallam, president of the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV.
While most lovers meet in clubs through typical dating channels, these clubs’ hook-ups are often different. Dating apps like Grindr and Tinder provide a means of meeting that most members enjoy for their basic functionality, not as a place to form the beginnings of love. With apps like these, you’re given a large pool of available men or women, based on your location, and within that pool, you can narrow your search down. It’s quick and easy, and you might just get lucky. One of the reasons men use apps is that it means less of a commitment; you don’t have to wake up the next morning wondering if you’d had sex with someone you’ve just met, or even if you’d like to.
The reasons for the increase in casual sex have to do with our sexual attitudes, while the stigma against casual sex has to do with law (more on that below).
The stigma against casual sex
As the definitions of “casual” and “non-casual” sex become more specific, social norms have traditionally disapproved of the latter. “Because of the rules and laws around casual sex, people don’t want to leave that category,” says Alison Tieman, professor at the Center for the Study of Family, Relationships, and Health and a research affiliate at Boston University. Just to start with, if you’re younger than 25, it’s frowned upon to have casual sex. When you’re 25 to 29, it’s perfectly fine. Then you turn 30, and you’re perfectly fine.
But the stereotypes surrounding the perception of casual sex after age 30 can be hard to break; for the purposes of this article, casual

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