Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D Free Download [2022-Latest]







AutoCAD Crack+ With Product Key [32|64bit]

The main advantage of AutoCAD over other CAD programs is the ability to create geometry. AutoCAD gives users the ability to draw right angles on existing geometry to create curves or right angles, which is normally impossible in most other CAD programs.

AutoCAD can perform many drawing functions that other CAD programs cannot. For example, a user can rotate an object in order to draw a cylinder. Also, it can be used to produce materials.

Open source and paid options

As of March 2018, most Autodesk CAD products are under a vendor license agreement and can be legally used only with the software’s vendor’s license key.

For software vendors, the vendor license is in effect only on a per-machine basis, so they can limit the number of authorized licensees on a network.

For consumers, there are two main options:

Open source CAD programs such as FreeCAD and OpenSCAD can be installed and run without buying a license key.

Binary packages (examples include Inkscape, Blender, GIMP, and Linux) are a form of free software where the source code is available but a vendor license is required to install the software on a computer.

AutoCAD history

AutoCAD was created by two software developers at the Arizona-based company Uniden Engineering. The developers, Atsushi Ueda and Glenn Sheppard, hired a team of programmers led by Yuvraj Chandel, and finished AutoCAD in 1982.

Uniden Engineering was a division of Uniden Corp., which was later acquired by the American firm AutoDesk in 1986. AutoDesk merged with Macromedia in 1998 to become Macromedia Inc., which was later renamed Adobe Systems.

AutoCAD 1.0 debuted in 1982 on a PC with a 4.77 MHz 8086 processor and a printer, but in 1983, it was ported to 8-bit microcomputers. A few other CAD programs had become available for microcomputers by that time, but users at the time agreed that AutoCAD had features unmatched by its competitors.

In 1985, AutoCAD 1.5 was released. In 1987, it was updated to AutoCAD 2.0 and included a drawing editor with functions including the ability to draw images with image-layer effects and automatic dimensioning. The previous year, Uniden Engineering sold AutoCAD to

AutoCAD Crack+ (Latest)

In the 2010 release, AutoCAD LT (AutoCAD for Beginners) also supports the Import/Export feature. This feature supports the following import formats: AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format (DXF), AutoCAD DWG, Siemens NX format, GDS, PLT, Multi-View (MV) and CNC machining.

AutoCAD contains a set of developers tools which can be used to program custom macros, functions and plugins. These tools are primarily contained in AutoCAD LT (AutoCAD for Beginners).

AutoCAD also has an API which allows third-party products to connect to and retrieve data from the drawing, as well as write additional elements to the drawing. Autodesk Exchange Apps are the most common example of this, but there are others, such as PDF-to-AutoCAD. AutoCAD Design Review is a VBA add-in for AutoCAD that allows for real-time collaboration.

AutoCAD has a wide variety of users including many different segments of the design, construction and manufacturing industries. Its first audience were the CAD designers of the space age who used AutoCAD for 3D and 2D drafting of construction drawings, engineering, and architecture.

Since the 1990s, the number of use cases for AutoCAD has grown. In manufacturing, AutoCAD supports 2D BOMs and 3D animations for shop floor production planning, product data management, process planning, and sourcing.

In the 2001–2002 timeframe, AutoCAD became the most widely used 2D/3D CAD application in the world.

The best known 2D application, AutoCAD, is utilized by architects, engineers, and others. It is the most widely used 3D design application in the world.

In 2012, around 75 million drawings were created and 55 million were saved, with more than one third coming from new products and services.

According to a recent study by AECOM, Revit’s (Trimble’s) ability to support the AEC industry is a significant contributor to Revit’s popularity.

AutoCAD is currently the most popular software package among architects, engineers, and other design professionals.

In 2018, a market study by J.D. Power showed that AutoCAD was the most popular CAD software on the market, with over 60% of the users planning to purchase an update for the year.

AutoCAD Registration Code 2022

Go to File->Open and select Autodesk Autocad 2010 Shell form.

Click on License then click on generate.

Click on I agree to the License Agreement then click on create license key.

Now it will create.lic key then it will ask to save it. Click on save.

Now you have your license key which is you need to input the license key for reinstallation.

Enter the License key (shown in Image above) that was generated in step 1 and click on next.

Re-enter the License key (shown in Image above) that was generated in step 1 and click on next.

You will now be asked to select the language that you wish to install Autocad. Select your language and click on next.

You will then be asked to select the keyboard you wish to use. Select your keyboard and click on next.

Your software will now check to see if your computer has the required requirements and dependencies for Autocad 2010. If it doesn’t, click on next. If it does, click on install now.

The installation process will then begin.

Autocad is now ready to use. You may need to restart your PC for the installation to take effect.

The main difference with the Shell key and other activation keys is that the Shell key is unique. So you only need one of them (and it’s easier to keep track of one than 10 shell keys).


I don’t know if it’s true, but as I can see, the command is present in any version of Autocad, this is the command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2010\AutoCAD.exe /K “Autodesk


Amazon S3 credentials leaked

I am looking for a way to prevent credentials to be exposed in an S3 bucket. If I use PHP’s SDK for accessing the bucket, I see that it’s not possible to do this with the current version of the SDK (v2). Is there a way to do this in the AWS SDK?


The S3 credentials are not exposed. The problem is with the PHP SDK. The SDK is configured to use a unencrypted PHP extension module on the server. The SDK uses the extension php_soapClient to access the S3 service. This extension can be configured to store the credentials in

What’s New in the?

Source code for both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT are available from Autodesk. Learn more about the source code.

Improved Open Tool:

Using the Change Source icon in the Options dialog, make sure that the Open Tool is set to the correct program.

Open the Options dialog, and make sure that the correct program is set as the default program for opening CAD files. This is particularly important for AutoCAD LT users who want to open most files in AutoCAD LT without making many changes to the file. Learn more.

Keyboard shortcuts for different toolbar commands are updated. This change affects the Edit toolbar: commands will now use the right mouse button instead of the keyboard shortcut.

The X-axes increment will be reset when switching between the Plot and Printer button groups.

AutoCAD LT Users

In addition to the information listed above, AutoCAD LT 2023 contains many other improvements, including:

Use of EPS files is available in Web Design

New grid and vector pattern styles are available

Improvements to Windows XP and Mac OS 10.11 operating system support

Additional improvements to drawing performance

JavaScript is now enabled for interactive 3D in Web Studio applications. This means that you can select some objects and right-click to create a link to an external file.

AutoCAD LT Improvements

AutoCAD LT 2023 contains several new 3D model rendering features, as well as enhancements to several other areas of AutoCAD LT’s interface.

3D Model Renderings

The 3D model renderer in AutoCAD LT includes new rendering features and improvements.

3D modeling has become a popular way to visualize and communicate design intent. Using 3D rendering, you can easily present your models in context and communicate to your audience your ideas and designs in ways that were not possible before. (video: 2:20 min.)

With AutoCAD LT, the 3D modeling component now supports an expanded set of graphical features, including these new rendering features:

– Added rendering effects: One of the 3D modeling components’ most important features is the ability to change the appearance of a 3D model. For example, you can change the color of an object, add textures, change its scale, and more. These new rendering effects are now available in the 3D modeling interface. (video: 1:43 min

System Requirements:

Minimum Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit (Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 10)
Processor: Intel Core i3 1.7Ghz or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 460 1GB
DirectX: Version 11 (DX11)
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space (10 GB for retail version)
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card, software based or a headset with stereo output
Mouse: Wireless, laser or gamepad

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