AutoCAD PC/Windows (Latest)







AutoCAD Crack [Latest]

Since AutoCAD 2017 is a completely new release, there are different features available in AutoCAD 2018 for a wider range of users. Some of the features available in AutoCAD 2018 are:

In AutoCAD 2017, a CAD operator (user) is required to be familiar with the operation of the application and the use of AutoCAD symbols. In AutoCAD 2018, one can save the most recent drawing, save the drawing in a different format, and create and view drawings and models in multiple file formats. The draft profile of the drawing is saved as an object, which can be extracted from the drawing to the master CAD application. This feature is known as “Inline Profile”; you can view it in your favorite CAD program.

Create, edit, save, and open multipart drawings. You can now create multipart drawings that consist of a number of frames that contain different layers.

Enables you to set various layouts (frame templates) with different toolbar options such as font size and tools.

New sectioning planes to slice a 3D object.

Enable multiple object visibilities to view multiple objects simultaneously.

Easier access to the computer that the drawing was originally created on.

Drawing templates that contain the settings for the most commonly used drawing commands.

CAD has come a long way in less than three decades and has moved beyond desktop CAD to mobile apps for smartphones and tablets. It is the only drafting program that runs on both the Windows and macOS platforms. You can use AutoCAD mobile app on your Android smartphone to create drawings on the go. You can create a new drawing, open an existing drawing, or create the drawing from an image. You can also rotate and scale the image, add shapes, and create symbols.

Similar to AutoCAD 2017, AutoCAD 2018 is a lot easier to use and the keyboard shortcuts are the same. The following are the keyboard shortcuts:

Let’s take a look at each of the common commands:

Command Description

Option 1 Export existing drawings

D – Display the command line

S – Set the active profile for the drawing

F – Clear the active profile for the drawing

L – Run the drawing with an existing profile

M – Mark the active profile for the drawing

[ORC] – Open the drawing in the computer that the drawing was originally created on

Option 2 – View

AutoCAD Crack +


AutoCAD Crack was developed by Key Technology, Inc., which was acquired by Autodesk in 1998. The first version of AutoCAD Torrent Download, Autocad 1.0 was introduced in 1985 as a ‘quick and dirty’ drafting software package. It was an AutoLISP system that used a text editor interface to create 2D and 3D designs.

Until 1985, the only major competitor to AutoCAD was MicroStation, which was launched by Micrografx in 1982. This was one of the first CAD systems based on graphics, with a 3D solid modelling (SMD) approach. In 1985, Micrografx was acquired by the Autodesk division and released the first version of AutoCAD, using a 3D graphics approach to create drawings. AutoCAD was a cross-platform product that ran on a number of operating systems, including MS-DOS, Windows and Mac OS. At the time, the only other cross-platform graphics system was the X Window System, which was developed by MIT for use on Unix machines, with extensive interaction between the X development community and the Autodesk team.

The AutoCAD workstation interface (the architecture) was extended, significantly at Autodesk by Autodesk’s Canadian Development Centre and by the addition of a number of other users and developers. This included the addition of the CAD library.

The Autodesk C++ programming language was based on the ObjectARX library developed in the early 1990s.

In 1999 Autodesk released AutoCAD LT, which was designed for entry-level users. AutoCAD LT required a Windows OS and could be used on Pentium-compatible machines with just 16MB of RAM. In addition to the standard 2D drafting and drafting creation tools, this version of AutoCAD also had support for some components of the AutoCAD architecture, such as spline curves and B-rep.

In 2000 Autodesk released AutoCAD 2000, an upgrade to AutoCAD LT. This included support for the Python programming language, a scripting language that could run scripts or programs at design time, rather than having to be invoked from the command line. AutoCAD 2000 is a native Windows 2000 OS application and is primarily a desktop application, with several web-based tools. There were significant improvements in design collaboration and other components, and it included a database-driven components such as the drawing database, tool palettes and add-ons. There was

AutoCAD Crack

The main purpose of the keygen is to generate the license key.
It is a unique ID that you need to put it in Autocad before installing.
The license key should be in a format that looks like this: XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX
Here X are just numbers.

Installation of Autodesk Autocad should be succesfull and when launching
Autocad, you should see a license key in the bottom right corner (see pictures).

If the license key is not found, you will need to reinstall Autocad with the keygen.

how to get text from a textview in dialog fragment?

I have a code to select an contact,it runs successfully but not showing text in dialog fragment,and following is my code
public class SelectContacts extends DialogFragment {
private DialogListener dialogListener;
ListView listView;
View rootView;
private CursorLoader cursorLoader;
private Cursor cursor;
int[] id = new int[]{};
private String[] result = new String[]{};

public static SelectContacts newInstance() {
SelectContacts selectContacts = new SelectContacts();
return selectContacts;

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
dialogListener = (DialogInterface.OnClickListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ ” must implement DialogInterface.OnClickListener”);

public void onDetach() {
dialogListener = null;

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Drawing themes:

Change the theme of a drawing, including its color scheme, paper size, style, and presentation. Themes can be used to set your personal preferences for drawings, such as text or line formatting.

New settings and options:

Settings can be grouped in the preference dialog for easier selection. A new print previewer supports zooming in on individual parts of a drawing. A new canvas printing feature gives you the option of automatically scaling a drawing to match the area of a page.

New commands and features:

The new AutoCAD® Solids command, part of the Standard toolbar, can create and edit solids. The new Line Style command makes it easy to create and use multiple line styles.

Over 60 new drawing commands:

New commands include a number of commands for creating or editing drawings, including new commands for creating and manipulating blocks, blocksets, groups, and assemblies. New commands for creating and editing text also expand text formatting tools. New commands for creating and editing dimensions, reference frames, and annotative comments add to the many dimension and annotation options. New commands for creating and editing tables add to the many table options. And more!

New feature:

The New feature lets you explore a drawing by viewing a partial view on a new canvas. You can quickly create a temporary drawing, open an existing drawing, or use existing features.

New functions and improvements:

Easy 2D to 3D rotation, including all 3D axes.

Camera view improvements:

Zoom in and out with the camera view tool. You can also toggle to Perspective view and use the plus sign to change the viewpoint. In the drawing canvas, you can right-click on the camera icon and select a perspective view.

Raster and Vector images:

Raster images are useful for displaying thumbnail images, logos, and other graphics. You can load an existing raster image, or convert a vector image to a raster file. Raster images can be zoomed. (These improvements, available for Windows, are not available for Mac.)

Standard toolbar improvements:

A new function button in the toolbar gives you the most common command directly from the toolbar. You can use it to quickly create a table, a dimension, or a window.

Windows improvements:

You can resize the drawing area and status bar by dragging the corners of

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

These requirements are for the desktop version only. We will be making a mobile version shortly.
Respect the client’s legal rights: Obtain a digital copy of the purchased software for yourself. If the client asks that you provide the original disc, do so. If a client asks that you sell them the game in stores, do not sell the game. If you obtain a copy from anyone else, keep in mind that the client owns the game they paid for. We have a policy of not breaking copy protection. However, if a client asks us to circumvent a copy protection system


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