AutoCAD Crack X64







AutoCAD Free For PC [March-2022]

AutoCAD Full Crack is used to design, document, and analyze everything from large, sophisticated infrastructure projects to personal artwork. It has an industry-standard file format, which can be exported to other applications for 2D and 3D design.

See the comparison below of AutoCAD vs Adobe Photoshop.

Release Versions Windows Mobile Mac App Name AutoCAD 2002/2005, 2007, 2010 Mac App Name AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT 2001/2007, 2011, 2014 Mac App Name AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Architectural Desktop 2015, 2019 Compatible With Windows 8+ Mac OS 10.5+ Mac OS X 10.6+ Compatible With Windows 7+ Mac OS 10.6+ Compatible With Windows 7+ Compatible With Mac OS X 10.4+ Compatible With Mac OS X 10.4+


The following sections include the features of AutoCAD 2020.

The following table provides a comparison of AutoCAD vs Adobe Photoshop.


Adobe Photoshop

Component Library

No cost

$800+ a year.

Acquisition Cost

AutoCAD LT / Architecture Desktop 2015



Acquisition Cost

AutoCAD 2012



Acquisition Cost

AutoCAD LT / Architecture Desktop 2014



Acquisition Cost

AutoCAD 2004



Acquisition Cost

AutoCAD 2000



File Formats

AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT can read all standard AutoCAD (DWG) files, as well as AutoCAD 2000, 2004, 2012, and 2015 files. AutoCAD LT can read any of the above files, but not AutoCAD 2000 or 2004 files.

DoD 5008 Compliance

AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD Architectural Desktop can be licensed for DoD 5008 compliance. AutoCAD LT and Architectural Desktop 2016 and above are licensed for DoD 5008 compliance.

Online Support

AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD Architectural Desktop support online support, which is available via the AutoCAD Online Help Site.


AutoCAD Crack + Free Download PC/Windows [Latest-2022]

Additionally, it supports importing and exporting a number of different vector graphics file formats.

Open standards include:
.XML, JavaScript Object Notation, PostScript,.PDF and.PS.

See also
Comparison of CAD editors for Unix
Comparison of CAD editors for Windows


External links

AutoCAD Serial Key
Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:1990 softwareQ:

How to iterate through a list of items in an array and manipulate one of the items with PHP?

I have an array that contains a list of cities and their corresponding states and their IDs.
$this->cities = array(
array(“1″=>”California”, “2”=>”Arizona”, “3”=>”Washington”),
array(“4″=>”California”, “5”=>”Arizona”, “6”=>”Washington”),
array(“7″=>”California”, “8”=>”Arizona”, “9”=>”Washington”)

In another array, I have a set of states that have been selected.
$this->states = array(“1″=>”California”, “4”=>”California”);

I need to create a function that manipulates the state to match what’s in the states array.
This is what I have tried:
function stateFilter($states){
foreach($states as $key=>$state){
foreach($this->cities as $city){
if($state == $city){
$state = “true”;
return $states;

$result = $this->stateFilter($this->states);

That doesn’t seem to be working. I am new to php and I’m unsure of the best way to iterate through and manipulate this information.


You’re assigning $state on every iteration of the inner loop.
You should use $state in the inner loop.
function stateFilter($states){
foreach($states as $key=>$state){

AutoCAD Crack [Mac/Win]

Open Autocad

1. Open the “Shortcuts” menu and select “New Shortcut”.


2. When the shortcut’s window appears, select the “command line” tab.

3. Use your arrow keys to select “AutoCAD”.

4. In the command line, enter “installAcadAuto”. This will cause the installer to

5. When the installer exits, select OK.


6. If the shortcut didn’t appear, select “Other” and type “installAcadAuto” in the text box.


7. Enter “autocad” in the command line and press Enter. This will launch

8. If you get a dialog box asking you to save a new short cut, just press

9. When the installer exits, select OK.


What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Display background and annotation colors in your drawings. Selecting these colors gives you a better understanding of your drawings in color. (video: 1:10 min.)

Motion Paths:

Improve and correct existing motion paths.

Review and edit paths on CAD prints. Automatically keep the CAD layers unchanged for motion paths, or make them the active layer for the selected object.

Add and edit new motion paths. Use curve clips to separate shorter paths into individual path segments. Group segments to quickly add and edit multiple paths.

Create paths with custom start and end points. Select a path segment and add an initial point. Re-use this point as a vertex to make a custom, closed path.

Move, rotate, scale, mirror, and reflect a selected path. Add a custom mirror, rotate, or scale to a selected path and create a mirrored path or scaled path. Create reflections of a path, then mirror the path to make any angles.

Save and export motion paths in a format that opens in SolidWorks, Google SketchUp, or Fusion 360.

Linked Annotations:

Add, edit, and remove shared annotations.

See and update shared annotations in real time.

Group annotations on the same layer and within sub-layers. Drag annotations on the group layers. Undo or redo changes to individual annotations.

Search and compare annotations. Find and compare shared annotations in drawings from other projects.

Lock, edit, and control layers. Open or create layers and lock layers to avoid accidentally editing the wrong layer.

Link drawings together to share annotations between projects. Create new annotations in the linked drawings, or reuse an existing annotation.

Spend less time creating and sharing shapes. Add shapes to a library and link them from the library to other drawings. Use filters to customize which shapes appear.

Use AutoLISP code to automate and customize annotation creation.


Create links between drawings and other CAD tools.

Synchronize your drawings with external systems and design tools. Send your drawings to other applications and sync them back with your drawings.


Share drawing files and add comments, text, and images.

Connect models, create joint views, and synchronize drawings. Connecting CAD models, sharing views, and synchronizing drawings is easier than ever

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

The game will run on any PC with Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.
Please make sure you have DirectX 11 installed.
Please make sure you have the latest graphics driver and Windows updated.
Please make sure you have enough free disk space for the game.
Please make sure your computer can run games in Full HD and has a good graphics card.
Please make sure you have a good internet connection.
A broadband internet connection will be faster.
If you have a 32-bit or 64-bit computer,

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