AutoCAD Crack Free Download X64







AutoCAD Crack [Win/Mac]


According to the application’s website, “AutoCAD is used by architects, engineers, drafters, and others who need to draw or edit 2D and 3D geometry.” It is used for designing architectural work, laying out houses and buildings, graphical editing, landscaping and drafting, and generating industry drawings such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC drawings. It is also a handy tool for students learning architectural design, drafting, engineering, and art.

In 2014, AutoCAD was the second most downloaded app in the US App Store and Google Play. It is also among the top 5 rated apps in both app stores.

How AutoCAD Works

AutoCAD is used for drafting and creating 2D and 3D shapes, structures, and parts, including floors, furniture, homes, and architectural elements. When a drawing is created, several steps are performed sequentially. During drafting or sketching, an area is defined, lines are drawn, shapes are created and moved, and 3D objects are modeled.

When a drawing is complete, it is either saved or exported to another file format. After the drawing is complete, text and symbols are placed in the drawing, and a viewing screen is inserted.

You can use a variety of tools and techniques to draw and edit shapes and to produce other drawings. By default, shapes are created using either Lines, Polygons, Curves, or 2D Shapes.

The Lines tool is used for creating straight, curved, or freehand lines and is the most commonly used tool. It’s the easiest tool to use when you’re learning to draw. The Lines tool allows you to add and delete points and adjust the width and color of the lines and fill patterns. It can be used to draw drafting lines and to add new layers in a 3D drawing. You can select either the default point type or a type that has more options.

A Polygon is used to make closed shapes, such as circles and squares. You can select the points in which to add the polygon. An Arc is a basic curve that is used to make shapes such as circles and ovals.

A Curve is used to make freehand shapes and to make 2D shapes with more flexibility than Lines and Polygons. The Curve tool creates arcs and sweeps. You can use this tool to add and move points, change the length of the curve, and change the shape of the curve.

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User-defined functions

The AutoLISP language allows third-party AutoLISP developers to create their own AutoCAD Full Crack functionality. Autodesk’s official Autodesk Exchange Program allows third-party developers to create AutoCAD 2022 Crack add-on and plug-in applications. These extensions are known as the Exchange Apps and range from specialisations in specific tasks to completely new applications.

See also
Autodesk (software)
Autodesk Exchange Apps
Autodesk Exchange for iPad
Autodesk Exchange Apps
Autodesk Exchange Platforms
Autodesk 123D Design
Autodesk AutoCAD Cracked Accounts
Autodesk Creative Suite


Further reading

Autodesk: AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Training Packs. (2014) Retrieved on 2014-03-20.
Bourke, Erin. (2006). AutoCAD New Features Reference. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.. Retrieved on 2006-12-20.
Bourke, Erin. (2007). AutoCAD LT New Features Reference. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.. Retrieved on 2007-02-06.
Autodesk. (2010). Autodesk Exchange Developer Portal. Retrieved on 2010-04-27.
Autodesk: Autodesk Exchange Apps. (2010) Retrieved on 2010-04-27.
Cascio, M. (2006). AutoCAD Primer. (1st ed.). Hauppauge, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall.. Retrieved on 2010-04-27.
Cascio, M. (2010). AutoCAD Primer. (3rd ed.). Hauppauge, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall.. Retrieved on 2010-04-27.
Cascio, M. (2015). AutoCAD 2011: Language and Technology. Hauppauge, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall.. Retrieved on 2015-03-20.

External links

Autodesk Exchange Program
Autodesk Exchange Apps

Category:1992 software
Category:Autodesk software
Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:Electronic engineering
Category:Electronic design automation software
Category:Electronic workbench applicationsGuinness World Records: The Proof of Existence

Guinness World Records: The Proof of

AutoCAD License Code & Keygen

Open the Autocad.ini file and change the following line:

[UserName] = “chr2k”


[UserName] = “codyit”

open up the registry editor (e.g. regedit) and search for the following registry key:


Create a new value named UserName. Leave the data type to string.
Copy and paste the string chr2k into the value field.
Save the registry and close it.

Run AutoCAD again and login. You should now be logged in as codyit.

I had to type this in as “codyit” is not a valid username on their site.
After running the file, I was prompted to create a new user and chose this one, but was still prompted to login with codyit. I clicked “Add” and this added the new user under my old one.
I can now login with the new user and password.


After your initial post, I found the solution to the auto-login problem, but not a solution to my second problem (creating the new user). I’ll use your initial post as the solution to my problem.
Your Problem: Login as a specific user, CodyIt
Your Solution: Add a new user
Your Solution: Login as a specific user, CodyIt
Your Solution: Login as a specific user, CodyIt


I have updated this so it is not a ‘keygen’ but a solution that is much simpler, although I still don’t understand why it doesn’t work.
If you are having the problem that you need to install Autocad in order to use keygen, then try this:
First: Do you have some way of disabling Windows autologin? I normally just uncheck ‘Turn Windows features on or off’ on the ‘User Accounts’ settings page.
If that does not work, and you have already installed Autocad, the solution might be to use the ‘run’ command to enter ‘Run’ under the ‘Programs’ folder, then type ‘autocad’ (without the quotes

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Markup Assist:

Drawing tasks are broken up into small, manageable pieces that help you with certain types of drawings.

CAD Master Community:

Discover, connect, and share. Make friends and build a team.

Bugs Fixed in Version 2023:

Fixes and improvements to the AutoCAD 2020 release.

1. Click the Show Reference Worksheet button at the top of the task pane to display a reference workspace.

2. You can find and rename colors used by your model or imported from a reference workspace or file.

3. You can save blocks, revolve, create a legend, and convert imported data to AutoCAD blocks.

4. You can view the Markup and Groups tabs for block assignments, as well as the Markup group.

5. You can review annotations and dynamic blocks.

6. You can connect imported paper elements to the current drawing and edit imported paper elements.

7. You can use a large font to create comments in the Drawing Materials window.

8. You can work more efficiently with the Undo functionality in blocks.

9. You can edit an imported file or reference workspace in the new File Manager.

10. You can create new or modify existing drawing templates.

11. You can use a new AutoCAD Feature Control to add new features to your drawings.

12. You can view the position of curves, lines, circles, and text in relation to other features, such as blocks and imported files.

13. You can view an imported paper, a Reference workspace, or a file in the new Drawing Area for Edit.

14. You can store lists of text style options in the new Styles Window.

15. You can make it easier to add a new drawing template.

16. You can add and remove reference sheets in the new Reference Worksheet Window.

17. You can import a block, grid, viewport, or annotation that includes a reference to a model or model template.

18. You can add or edit annotation to a block.

19. You can display a new Style Palette window when adding a drawing to your template.

20. You can add a block directly to an external drawing and open the drawing in the new external drawing view.

21. You can view color selection information in the new Material Pal

System Requirements:

Installing Native Client
On Windows:
To install Native Client for Windows 7, Vista, or XP:
Download NACLINK.exe from here.
Extract the zip archive and run NACLINK.exe.
Click Run and follow the instructions.
On Windows 10:
On Windows 10, open the NACLINK.exe file and click the Settings button.
Click Install NACLINK to register native client.
Extract the zip archive and run NACL

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