Archichronos Download [Win/Mac]

The Archichronos application was created as a exercise in learning new Java graphical routines, and also to sate my perverse desire for a groovy clock.
If you like it, feel free to add the applet to your site, the clock to your open source OS, or even use it in your homemade sci-fi film.
Here are some key features of “Archichronos”:
■ Desktop version uses advanced Java graphical techniques.
■ Applet version is simpler, but still retro-future.
■ Tells time!
■ Java Runtime







Archichronos Crack With Registration Code [Updated] 2022

The Archichronos application was created as a exercise in learning new Java graphical routines, and also to sate my perverse desire for a groovy clock.
If you like it, feel free to add the applet to your site, the clock to your open source OS, or even use it in your homemade sci-fi film.
Here are some key features of “Archichronos”:
■ Desktop version uses advanced Java graphical techniques.
■ Applet version is simpler, but still retro-future.
■ Tells time!
Note: The BETA version is a work in progress, and should be updated regularly as I continue testing and refining it.
■ Desktop version uses advanced Java graphical techniques. This should be versioned to be a viable option for a desktop program. The main issue I’m trying to solve is keyboard interaction, and to further this I’m implementing the latest features in Swing.
■ Applet version is simpler, but still retro-future. Here is the reason for this. Because the program does it’s own graphical drawing, I wasn’t able to use any Swing or AWT libraries yet. For these two I would have to create my own functionality. In addition the applet is required to be run in a browser, and in the case of Sun’s JRE for all the browser, the browser is locked for application code. In addition the applet freezes the browser when the large number of circles are drawn.
■ Tells time! The time is taken from your system clock and displayed in a window at the bottom of the screen.
■ Comes with 6 different time zones, and an all-time option for the time.
■ There are 7 unique circles. The clock will show the day, from morning to night. Each day is displayed in two circles, one for the day and one for the night. The first circle shows the day from midnight to midnight, and the second circle shows the night from 12am to 6am. Every hour is made up of 3 circles. Every 3 minutes each minute is made up of 2 circles. Every 5 seconds the seconds is moved. This all adds up to 120 circles on the clock.
■ On the desktop, Archichronos will cycle to the next cycle after 3 seconds (60 rounds). This can also be adjusted by the user. On the applet, Archichronos will cycle to the

Archichronos X64

The Archichronos application was created as a exercise in learning new Java graphical routines, and also to sate my perverse desire for a groovy clock.
If you like it, feel free to add the applet to your site, the clock to your open source OS, or even use it in your homemade sci-fi film.
Here are some key features of “Archichronos”:
■ Desktop version uses advanced Java graphical techniques.
■ Applet version is simpler, but still retro-future.
■ Tells time!

I believe there’s a nice sidechain implementation, but it was never released. BiterainMine was in development, but never open-sourced. You can see code on Github. If you wish to contact the developer, please make sure to use the contact link on the page, it is the proper way to deal with developers.

Awesome I’m adding this to my website. Is there any way to make it set time automatically? And also, do you think this design is inspired from Classic Hardware PC Layout?

Last edited by poe on Sun Nov 21, 2012 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I believe there’s a nice sidechain implementation, but it was never released. BiterainMine was in development, but never open-sourced. You can see code on Github. If you wish to contact the developer, please make sure to use the contact link on the page, it is the proper way to deal with developers.

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Archichronos Download (April-2022)

■ Desktop
… this is the desktop version of Archichronos.
If your compuer is not supported or you can’t find it, check out the Applet version below.
.1 Features
■ Display current hour, minute, second, and am/pm.
.2 Code
■ Uses a simple timer to advance the clock, and features the ability to show or hide time.
.3 S.O.S.
■ When the applet has been used too many times (3 times in 23 seconds), it becomes unresponsive.
.4 Quick search
■ Find the Applet’s jar code here.
.5 Insert any gif or jpg here.
.6 Installer
■ This version will place Archichronos on your desktop, and then let you change the appearance of the clock.
.7 GPL
■ The program will distribute the source code, and is free for commercial use, so long as the latest version is included.
Applet Version:
■ JAR size ~750 KB
■ Download here.
If the jar expires, the download link will no longer work.
■ Head to and download the file there.
■ Use the java -jar /path/to/Archichronos.jar command from your command line.
■ Exe size ~7MB
■ Download here.
.8 Check out the Archichronos wiki
■ The Archichronos wiki details everything in this application.
■ Check out the GNU GPL, and link to this guide and the installation instructions.
To use:
■ Click the Archichronos application icon.
■ “Time Settings” option will load.
■ Choose an hour or minute (or 12AM/PM), and the clock will move.
■ The “Show/Hide Time” option will load.
■ Choose “Show” or “Hide” for time, and the clock will adjust.
■ “Time Settings” and “Show/Hide Time” can be toggled off or on at any time.
■ The clock will adjust as needed.
.9 Starring & Credits
■ Thanks to the designers

What’s New In Archichronos?

Archichronos is a time and date applet for the JRE. It aims to be one of the first truly grooviest tools around. Just tap away, and the coolest time controls, least painful RIA, least corny animated clock face, and total Java history come together to help you tell time.
Archichronos Screenshots:
■ Desktop version:
Archichronos Listings:
Archichronos Main Website
Archichronos Source Code
Archichronos Binary
Archichronos Java Applets Page
Archichronos Applet Page
Archichronos License
Archichronos OSes Supported:
Mac OS X
Archichronos Desktop:
Archichronos features the first semi-groovified clock face in a graphic application in the history of Java. Until now, clock faces have always been hand-coded… but Archichronos brings that point of history back!
Instead of having to accept a hand-crafted graphic clock face in Java like all the other Java-graphics apps, Archichronos features a more groovy-like clock face.
Archichronos also features one of the first scrolling calendar animations in a Java applet! No more lines of code, just the scrolling of a calendar and to connect that to the current day and time.
There is also a new, fully-interactive, fun and groovy analog clock face! This clock features the most groovy, groovy clock that has been created in the history of Java application design.
If you want more info, or don’t know what all that means, please read Archichronos:

Archichronos License:
See the LICENSE file.
Archichronos OSes Supported:
Mac OS X
Archichronos Binary:
Archichronos comes in two flavors, binary and source.
If you want the binary, you can download it directly from here:

If you want the source, you can get it from the same site in the source package section:

Archichronos Source Code:

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit only)
Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit only) Processor: Intel Core i5-3320 or AMD Phenom II X4 or faster.
Intel Core i5-3320 or AMD Phenom II X4 or faster. Memory: 4 GB RAM
4 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R9 270X (2 GB VRAM)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R

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