Apache Status Monitor Crack For PC









Apache Status Monitor Free Download X64 (Latest)

The Apache Status Monitor lets you monitor your Apache status page to see if there are any problems or slowdowns.
It displays some basic charts and statistics about Apache.
If you don’t have time for all of this, you can select a chart and see the display right away.
If you want to see more information about it or change the conditions or filters, just click on the chart and all the information will be displayed.
You can also sort the charts by click on their titles.
Apache Status Monitor Api:

1. Available page: Count of request and replies that were served with a given page
2. Response time (average time between request and reply): Count of request and replies that were served with a given page
3. Time series chart: 2 charts, one for request time and the other for reply time.
4. Histogram chart: the request and reply time is displayed in a histogram
5. Log chart: the request and reply time is displayed in a bar chart.
6. Percentage chart: percentages of request and reply time are displayed
7. Page views per day: The chart shows the page views per day.
8. Page views per week: The chart shows the page views per week.
9. Excessive use: The chart shows how much resources have been used.
10. Disk usage: The chart shows the Disk usage.
11. CPU usage: The chart shows the CPU usage.
12. Bandwidth usage: The chart shows the bandwidth usage.
13. Retention statistics: The chart shows the retention statistics (old/new/delete).
14. Memory usage: The chart shows the memory usage.
15. Defragmentation statistics: The chart shows the defragmentation statistics (old/new/delete).
16. Conventional file statistics: The chart shows the conventional file statistics (wasted/free/used).
17. Uptime: The chart shows the uptime.
18. Memory usage (Zombie): The chart shows the memory usage (zombie).
19. Memory usage (Swapped): The chart shows the memory usage (swapped).
20. Conventional file statistics (Delete): The chart shows the conventional file statistics (wasted/free/used).
21. Conventional file statistics (DeleteOld): The chart shows the conventional file statistics (delete).
22. Conventional file statistics (Wasted): The chart shows the conventional file statistics

Apache Status Monitor Full Version

Apache Status Monitor Download With Full Crack provides a nice statistical overview of your Apache server by displaying information on chart current and chart average. It can also provide detailed information on stat current and stat average. The product also includes graphs, trends, and different reports.

The status is retrieved from a direct status page Some information must be

Retrieve statistics from a page.
Gather data from several pages depending on information necessary.
Display additional information

The version that is available is only a demo version. Features to be added in the next version :

Gather more information from more statistical pages.

Several extensions will be available for you to adjust the look and feel of the program. Features to be added in the next release :

Exporter of the charts.

How to Install Apache Status Monitor Product Key 4.0.7

Download :

Extract :

cd apache_status-4.0.7/

java -jar apache_status.jar


java -jar apache_status.jar

If you use the second command
you will get an error report (caution)

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For support

Apache Status Monitor Serial Key is a desktop application that gathers data from a Apache status page to plot various charts and statistics. It is written in Java and therefore should run on every platform.
It provides information on the server, displaying data on chart current and chart average, statistics or current status.
Apache Status Monitor Product Key Description:
Apache Status Monitor Crack Keygen provides a nice statistical overview of your Apache server by displaying information on chart current and chart average. It can also provide detailed information on stat current and stat average. The product also includes graphs, trends, and different reports.

The status is retrieved from a direct status page Some information must be

Retrieve statistics from a page.
Gather data from several pages depending on information necessary.
Display additional information

The version that is available is only a demo version. Features to be added in the next version :

Gather more

Apache Status Monitor Crack Torrent (Activation Code) (2022)

Apache Status Monitor collects server information from an Apache server and displays it in graphical form. It can be a useful tool if you want to see how your server is doing in real time.
Have a look at the screenshots!

Here are some statistics:

* Implements trend analysis of server load by day, week, month.
* Graphs support the ability to zoom into the charts with mouse wheel or the keyboard (ctrl+wheel, ctrl+s, shift+ctrl+z).
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor allows you to use a database to store the server log files.
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor allows you to use other data sources in addition to a log file such as /etc/passwd.
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor allows you to use a different Web Browser for data retrieval.
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor allows you to save the charts to a PDF file.
* Configure Apache Status Monitor to display various charts and statistics in the System Tray and the Windows Desktop.
* Apache Status Monitor can handle Apache logs from Unices, Linux and Windows.
* Apache Status Monitor allows you to decide which statistics to display.
* Apache Status Monitor allows you to choose the value ranges that the charts are scaled within.
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor allows you to choose additional modules for the Web page.
* Apache Status Monitor allows you to decide which modules to use for the chart.
* Apache Status Monitor allows you to choose a graph or a table to use.
* Apache Status Monitor allows you to choose to display the windows on top of each other or not.
* All statistics and charts can be saved in a text file using the Save As Windows Command.
* Apache Status Monitor supports Netbeans 6.0+ and allows you to customize the appearance of the Web Page using the Web Page Template.
* Apache Status Monitor is written in Java and therefore works on every platform.
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor is in HTML and uses JavaScript for its functionality.
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor can be configured using XML.
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor is portable between any Windows and Linux system.
* The Web Page Template for Apache Status Monitor uses the Google Ajax API to retrieve and process Apache log files.
* The

What’s New In?

Apache Status Monitor is a desktop application that gathers data from Apache status page to plot various charts and statistics. It is written in Java and therefore should run on every platform.
It provides information on the server, displaying data on chart current and chart average, statistics or current status.
Charts show information about the website, like the server load, CPU (real time and average) or bandwidth usage. Statistics count by month and by hour all stats as are displayed on the website.
You can compare your stats with other Apache servers running the same configuration, so if they are more stable they are included in the statistics.

Apache Status Monitor Requirements:

Apache Status Monitor works on every platform, without any special requirements (except of Java 5.0+), thanks to the in-built client side libraries, which are recognized from any browser.

What’s in the archive:

ApacheStatusMonitor_0.1.5.bin – Apache status monitor 0.1.5
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.1.0.bin – Apache status monitor 0.1.0
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.0.7.bin – Apache status monitor 0.0.7
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.0.6.bin – Apache status monitor 0.0.6
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.0.5.bin – Apache status monitor 0.0.5
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.0.4.bin – Apache status monitor 0.0.4
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.0.3.bin – Apache status monitor 0.0.3
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.0.2.bin – Apache status monitor 0.0.2
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.0.1.bin – Apache status monitor 0.0.1
ApacheStatusMonitor_0.0.0.bin – Apache status monitor 0.0.0


System Requirements For Apache Status Monitor:

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