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Download Silabus Kimia Smk Kurikulum 2013

Teaching Extensively through Video Lectures (Editorial) In consideration of the tough schedule of contemporary students and lecturers for covering syllabus and teaching programme at the university, that is, besides taking classes and examinations, the teaching staff needs to provide video-lectures to students at various levels who cannot attend classrooms in the name of class hours, professional development, training and exchanging experience with other education institutions etc. Therefore, as an initiative to make teaching more relevant and interesting with regard to the varied ways of teaching and learning. The high quality of teaching at the college and university level is the foundation of the achievements of the country, and the establishment of a college or university is viewed as a key element in the development of the country and scientific manpower. It is hoped that this can serve as an inspiration to the country and the international community as a whole in building a beautiful future for the students in the field of kimia at the national universities, which is national universities, as in the foreign universities the sources of foreign expertise or international universities. Therefore, this establishment of a college and university is a significant thing, as it provides quality education service and makes a significant contribution to the development of the country. The first course in the diploma program of the college and university is to provide the field of kimia, so it is one of the most important elements that need to be taken into account. The field of application is wide and diverse, and it will include the field of kimia, and subject matter, abstract content, advanced learning content, educational content, concrete content of the candidate. Thus, it is required to provide a number of reasonable teaching methods which make students strong and equipped with good knowledge and skills needed in the field of kimia. To achieve this, it is necessary to ensure that the teaching staff has developed the necessary competence and the necessary literature that provide the necessary condition to allow the staff to master the necessary tools of teaching. This paper is based on the experience of lecturer teaching the course of kimia at the college and university of Yogyakarta. It is based on the completion of teaching experience at the college and university of kimia in Yogyakarta and by obtaining information on the relevant literature in the field of research, using the review and exchange with other education institutions in the field of kimia. Review of educational theories with the relevant literature in the field of kimia and the relevant data from the field of research (research data, unpublished articles, thesis, newspaper articles, articles in teacher magazines and school teachers’ journals etc.) in the field of kimia provided the basis for the design and implementation of the teaching materials and materials used as a reference for the teaching content. This research is used as the basis for the teaching method that has been implemented. In terms of content, the course was a total of ten programs, from general introduction to the general course of kimia using the list of knowledge of related disciplines. It is an academic course that has a focus on the acquisition of skills and practical knowledge for the preparation of students who are planning to work as teachers in the field of kimia.









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