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It’s possible to find your perfect match in your own backyard, but without a little work. Getting started is all about creating the right environment for yourself and someone you want to date. An environment where you’re safe, secure, and happy with yourself, or at least comfortable enough to connect with others.

It’s more than the old bedroom, alone, with the door open, and candles lit. There’s no denying the appeal of the classic set-up, but you have to be open to additional options if you don’t want to settle. By that, I mean the balance of atmosphere/lighting/music/dress/body language. Check out these suggestions to find the perfect set-up for your own date.

But do try to get your own place before going on a date with someone. It’ll give you a better idea of how things fit, how something feels (or doesn’t), how you communicate, what concerns you might have in a relationship, and how you deal with various scenarios.

The Best Dating Spot

Before you put yourself into the hands of a stranger, it’s important to decide where it will happen. If you’re going on a dinner date in a public place, for example, you’ll want to have a back-up plan—whether it’s another restaurant or a movie theater.

Aside from your comfort level, your location choice is also about the crowd you want to attract. If you want to date more often, then consider a private-space venue like a coffee shop or private room at a cafe. If you’re looking for a quality night out with friends, an over the top, hip location is a good bet—like a bar or club. If you’re looking for a party where it’s loud and fun, a sports bar or nightclub is a good idea. It’s also good to choose a location that’s easy to walk to—especially if you’re dating outdoors.

Is It A Night Out? Is It Just For Fun?

Even if it’s an after-work occasion, it’s still a night out, so it’s wise to consider a couple different scenarios.

First, if it’s a night out for fun or a date with friends, a bar or club might be the best location. These locations are usually packed with friends who will be happy to make a lot of noise and have a good time. That’s what they’re there for. A classic night out is probably a round of shots, cheap shots https://www.nr1dating.net/how-to-hook-up-online-best-essentials-for-casual-sex/
The key to success: 1. Talk to friends. “Before you start dating someone, it’s a good idea to find out what a good relationship looks like,” says Neha Taneja, a relationship expert and author of the book Swipe Right: How to Use What You Already Know To Find True Love. “What do their friends think? Are you a good relationship model?”

It might be a conversation with a single friend, or with a group of people you trust. “This gives you a better perspective. You know what you’re talking about, so you can pose insightful questions like ‘If he treated you as well as you treated him, would you date him?'” she says. “It’s better to do this in a small group of people who you trust, so you feel you’re on the same page.”

2. Know what you want. Do you want a relationship with a friend? Do you want one with a romantic partner? “Pick a focus. Set goals. I recommend 10,” says Taneja. Do you want to find love? Why not have a series of fun dates? Make sure to set a time limit. “If you date someone too much, you’re not giving it an opportunity to happen,” she says. “If you take someone home and they don’t call the next day, you’re not being romantic.”

3. Set the bar high. “Make sure to pick someone who is approachable and who you would have a good conversation with,” says Taneja. “Who else would you want to meet? Who have you dated before?”

4. Make a plan, but don’t follow it. “Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get a reply right away,” says Taneja. “As long as you’re putting yourself out there, you’re going to get a lot of interesting responses. That’s your end goal. There is no rush.”

5. Don’t complain about the process. “You don’t want to come off as a downer,” says Taneja. “People love to be uplifted. If you’re struggling in a relationship or you’re not feeling it, you don’t want to give off a bad vibe. We can easily pick up on that.”

6. Have fun. “You can’t attract the person you want if you’re not having fun,” says Taneja. “Be yourself. Don’t do anything to feel pressured. Enjoy yourself.”



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